Fearing Failure? It May Just Be A Precursor To Your Success!
Do you fear failure in setting up an online business
? Is your fear so real that it makes you reticent to even try? You know, when we first start out in any business, the one thing that we fear most is the possibility of failure. Lodged deep in our psyche, is the knowledge that success is not going to happen overnight, and buried even deeper is our worry that things won't work out at all. But the reality is that most of us who try, will fail before we succeed. If we can accept that, if we can accept failing many times, the truth is that there is a much greater chance that we will eventually succeed. Sounds a little crazy, doesn't it? Let me explain.
No-one would dispute that there is something a little daunting about the possibility of failure. We worry about what people might think or say about us. We worry about money lost. We are mindful of time spent and we all know that out there in the big wide world, there are so many people just waiting for us to crash. Then they can say, I told you so. You shouldn't have gone there in the first place. Everybody I know who has tried this has failed. Look at the money and time you have wasted. And that is why failure is so ugly, so demeaning, and so capable of reducing us to a screaming heap.
But stop and think about it. What if you were able to twist that thinking around and try to see all your failures as successes? How might that change things?
You know, the New Year will be here in a few days and with it will be set in place, a myriad of resolutions for change. Resolving to improve is something we all do each and every year. I suggest to you that this year, short of coming up with an array of sure-fire ways to succeed, why not instead, determine a failure plan? Just imagine if you could actually plan to fail many times over. Think about the different ways in which you will advertise your business - perhaps online advertising, some banner ads, flyers at a particular shopping mall, warm marketing, e-mail marketing - you get the picture. Accept that even with all of these in place, you are going to fail many times over. Now determine that you will always celebrate those failures, that you will highlight every failure, every week, and then celebrate each and every one of them.
This will sound like madness to most people, but you know, whether you believe it or not, the fastest way to become successful, is by working through your failures. There is no one business in the world that does not experience failure, failure in marketing, failure in acceptance, failure in performance. They have their good times and their not-so-good, but they keep going. They work on their image. They work towards perfecting their advertising. You see, perfection is non-existent in the business world. There is always work to do. So if you can accept failure, if you can celebrate its existence and keep going, then you will be on the pathway to success.
It's important that you understand that the percentage of failure in direct marketing companies is high. This is not because it doesn't work. It absolutely does! No, the failure is due to the fact that people give up when they have tried something once and decided that it didn't work, and because they're simply not prepared to try again, or alter the angle of their advertising, or to pursue different tactics.
However, and this is important, the smaller conversion percentage that works is that very percentage that can earn you a mind-blowing income, one that is truly worth celebrating. That's the percentage that you must focus your attention on being part of.
Consider that you spend one thousand dollars on advertising for three months and make no money. That's the worst that has happened. You have spent three thousand dollars. But if you keep going and in the fourth month make six thousand dollars, then you have two thousand dollars in your pocket. You could have given in, you could have obsessed about what was not working for you, and had you done so, there would have been plenty of people around to remind you that you should have listened to them. Fortunately for you, you didn't.
So my advice to you is to take the bull by the horns, decide on your tactics of operation, and stop worrying about things that are not going to work. See the glitches along the way as part of the success road you are travelling on. Plan to celebrate your failures and soon those small diamonds of success will show up on your doorstep. Go on then! I dare you. Celebrate your failures and journey towards your success.
by: Maria Rattray
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