How To Know If A Girl Is Ready To Be Kissed Or Not! A Must Read For Every Guy

Share: Nothing can be more embarrassing than making an effort to kiss a girl only to realize that she turned her head in the other direction
. A lot of guys aren't too good when it comes to studying the female body language and are never sure about when they should actually go in for the kiss.
This is the main reason why it's extremely important that you understand when the girl is ready to be kissed by observing her body language. In this article you are going to discover some sure fire ways using which you can easily figure out if she is ready for the kiss or not. Read on to find out how to know if a girl is ready to be kissed...
Check her level of physical comfort around you by slowly getting close to her...
This is something you must do before you plan to go in for the kiss. You see if she is prepared to be kissed she would be very comfortable physically around you and won't show any reluctance whatsoever.
So the best way to test this out is to get closer to her slowly while talking to her...In case she doesn't move and remains at the same spot...It means you can go on to the next step but in case she moves away a bit...It means the time isn't right yet.
Playfully touch her and study her response...
At this point try to touch her hand...Or the side or her shoulder and study her response...Does she show any signs of discomfort? If yes...Then its very obvious that she isn't ready yet but in case she is still sitting still it means you can now move on to the kiss.
The best way to get a kiss from her...
While you are sitting close to her...Gently rub your hands through her hair...And then stare at her lips. While staring at her lips ask her this-
How good of a kisser are you on a scale or 1 to 10?...
Now she might give you any number...But your next step should be to just go in for the kiss. For example if she responds by saying-
Oh! I am about 7...
At this you should say...
Let me find it out myself... And then lean into the kiss.
The chances of rejection when you do it in this fashion are almost next to none. But again...It's important to study her body language and strictly follow the instructions mentioned above before you move in for the kiss.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-
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by: Rahul Talwar
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How To Know If A Girl Is Ready To Be Kissed Or Not! A Must Read For Every Guy