Personal diet analysis is a new thing that is being exploited by people that are going on a diet
. It used to be that people would only base their nutritional intake on what they'd see in health magazines and newspaper articles.
A personal diet analysis involves having a nutritionist or dietician look over the usual diet of the client involved. Now why it should be done is for different reasons. Some people have to overhaul their diet because of health reasons or because they have problems with certain disorders like diabetes or gluten intolerance. People who are highly allergic also need their diets tweaked.
People who follow the Western diet exclusively may actually be more in need of nutritional analysis than those who don't. It's well documented that this type of diet which relies heavily on meat and potatoes causes more health problems than not. It's the aversion to fresh fruits and vegetables that plays havoc with people's inner workings.
The best option would be to go to a dietician or nutritionist to have a personal analysis done. Several sessions are required though, over about a period of three months, to do a complete overhaul along with counseling while the changes are going on.
What most dieticians require would be a food journal so they would have a clear view of what the person in question is really eating so they know what needs to be changed. The types or kinds of food plus the amounts eaten are listed down in detail. Some dieticians even go to the extent of asking their clients to list down what they are feeling when they eat their food.
This will show that there can be triggers that make a person crave or overeat a certain type of food. For example, one woman consistently listed down eating about half a pint or more of ice cream when she was stressed from work. It became clear that she didn't really need the ice cream but needed a stress release more. When the ice cream was replaced with either frozen bananas or frozen low-fat yogurt in a reasonably sized serving, and twenty minutes of exercise was done before eating took place, she lost her craving for ice-cream.
Steps like these help the clients find workable and permanent solutions.