How To Get Past A Woman's Doubts About Dating You
It can be hard to know that a woman kind of likes you enough to give dating a thought
, but that she has enough reservations about you that she decides against it. When this happens, you are pretty much left with only a couple of choices. Either you can decide that as much as you would like to date her, it is just not going to happen, OR, you can decide that you are going to find some way to work around whatever doubts that she may have about dating you.
There are a million fish in the sea as they say, but sometimes you just happen to meet a woman who seems to be perfect for you. She's pretty, you click well with her, and you find that you just cannot stop thinking about her. If that is the case, then by all means you should try and find a way to work something out where you can get past her doubts.
Here's a few tips on how to do just that:
1) Try to understand what her doubts are in the first place.
It's almost impossible to come up with a way to work around her doubts about dating you if you do not know what they are. This is why it is important to try and get her to communicate what they may be. The best way to do this is to ask, but in a way that shows more curiosity than it does any kind of anger or confusion or anything else. Just make it seem like you are a little bit curious and don't get too pushy about the subject.
2) Make her see that there is no pressure at all just to give it a whirl.
Put pressure on a woman who is having doubts about dating you and you are not going to get anywhere at all. Make it seem like there are absolutely no strings attached and that a date is just a date and you just might see her change her tune really fast. Don't be dramatic about how you feel about her, because that puts pressure on her even if that is not your intention.
3) Understand that she will probably not agree to it right away, even if you do get her to want to date you.
Chances are, if you break through and make her see that dating you is probably not such a bad thing, the answer is not going to come right away. Show her that there really are no strings and that you are in no way desperate by being okay with her taking her time to give you an answer.
by: Chris Tyler
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