If you've ever wondered whether you can get paid to write online then the answer is a resounding "yes". People all over the world are doing exactly that and are getting paid for their efforts. You just have to know where to start!
In my view, the easiest place to get paid to write online is to create your own blog. This isn't difficult and there are lots of tutorials which will show you how to set up a blog as well as people who'll take a handful of dollars to set one up for you.
Then you need to decide what to write about - this can be anything you like but, especially to start with, it's easier to choose a subject that you like and that you know something about. That way it will be easier for you to start writing and, in turn, that means that you're closer to the ideal of being able to get paid to write online.
Write regularly. That way some of your readers will come back to see what you've written next and, even if that takes a while to build up, the built-in syndication of almost every blog on the planet will take your words and spread them out across the internet.
Next, add in occasional links that earn you money. The usual deal is that you get paid either when someone buys a product you've linked to - an Amazon product for instance - or you get paid when someone clicks a link in much the same way as all those sponsored links you see in the search results.
There are lots of other ways to get paid to write online but this method is one of the simplest. Why not start today?