How To Get Financial Help For A Single Mom ?

Share: Being single again after many years of marriage often comes as a shock
. It may have occurred because of any reason, but the consequences on the practical issues are generally the same. This is especially true if you have children. There will be a psychological as well as emotional effect not just on you but on the children as well. There will be things that you never did your entire married life and now you are suddenly required to own it up all alone. It is natural to be depressed and feel hopeless about the situation. It is precisely at this time to think about the future and how you can put various pieces together. If you have members from your family to help you out then taking care of the children will not be a major problem. You can also ask your friends to help out in both financial and non-financial ways, such as bringing your children from school, which will save you some time to look at options to revive your life. However, taking financial help from family and friends may not be an option forever, where you must look for a permanent solution.
There are grants that are meant for empowering
single mothers to take charge of their lives and to relieve them of financial strain. A grant is a financial aid given to people earning low income. These are not required to be returned back to the government but there are eligibility criteria for applying for them. Grants applicable for you can be searched among the list of 900 grants which are provided by the federal agencies. There are 21 categories to choose from. This depends on whether you as a single mother wanting to start a business or to complete your education or something else that suits your requirement. The categories include agriculture, Education, Housing, Business and Commerce and many more. For instance, if you have a land which you think can be cultivated and income can be generated by utilizing it for growing crops, then the grant can be applied in the category of agriculture. If it is further education you are interested in then scholarships can be obtained.
The eligibility includes being a citizen of the United States. For a foreign national it is mandatory to have stayed in the United States for a minimum and continuous period of three years just before applying for the grant. There are guidelines given for filling these applications, which differ for each grant. It is important to ensure the correctness and completeness of the forms. Certain documents may be required to be attached with the application.
Financial aid office at your college will also be able to provide you with not just the information about these grants but will also help fill up the forms. A number of single mothers do not apply for these grants due to lack of knowledge. There are several websites which have detailed description on how you can apply and what are the formalities required to avail the grant. If you want to start your own business and require funds for it, then you need to apply specifically for the grant which is meant for starting up a business. It is necessary for you to try for this option as the government has funds specifically allotted for such situations, where you can take full advantage of it.
by: Johny Mac yur
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