Name Labels Designed To Suit Your Needs

Share: Badges, tags and name labels are a great way to organize guests at both corporate and private events
. Handing out name labels as people arrive is a great way to get an estimate of how many people are attending the event, which can help caterers and other staff to ensure that your guests are properly looked after.
At corporate events, name labels and badges are a good tool to help your guests to network more efficiently. As well as each attendee's name, it may be a good idea to include information such as their company name and position within that company. Job titles can also be useful to display below a guest's name on their badge, however crowded badges are difficult to read so it is a good idea to pick just a couple of pieces of information to display.
For private events such as large weddings or family reunions, name labels are also a great way to break the ice and provide a talking point between guests. Remembering names at a family reunion could easily tax even the best memory, and it may be a fun idea to display each guest's name as relationship, e.g. "Sarah; John's Wife" or "Martin; Peter's Son" so that guests can easily identify each other. This also provides a great talking point and should help your guests to feel at ease. The same is true for large weddings, where there are often a great number of people who have never met before. These situations can sometimes be quite intimidating for guests who do not know anyone, and name labels can be a great way to stop people from feeling left out. There are a range of ways to make name labels more fun, such as handing out blue badges for the groom's side and pink badges for the bride's friends and family. The main bridal party should also have badges that detail their roles for the day such as 'Best Man', 'Maid of Honor', and 'Bride's Mother'. Again, these provide great conversation starters and will encourage guests to mingle.
Name labels are a good investment for any occasion, and for businesses who would like to use their name labels at future events, it is a good idea to search for re-useable options. Name tags that are made up of a small pouch with a label inserted are a great idea, as they can be fixed onto a lanyard and worn around the neck during your event. This not only gives you the option to create customized lanyards with company colors and logos printed onto them, but will give you a stock of name tags that can be reused for many forthcoming events. Printing off small labels to insert into reusable tags is also a much more environmentally friendly way to create name labels, instead of throwing badges away after a single event. Reusable badges and tags will also save any company a great deal of money, which can then be spent on other aspects of the event.
by: Nick Topitzes
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