How To Cure Dry Cracking Feet - Treatment And Prevention
As mentioned before, how to cure dry cracking feet is a question many ask
. However, the answer may be closer to home than they expect. Being overweight or obese can result in cracking feet, as well as other problems, and if this is the case, then losing weight could resolve this problem almost immediately. The reason it's a problem is that it puts excess pressure on the heels, which causes cracking. Alternatively, it could be your shoes. If they don't fit, the sole is too thin or a number of other problems, they could cause havoc with your feet and result in dried, cracked skin. Fortunately, this can also be resolved with the correct shoes. If you do note your skin becoming dried and cracked, apply moisturizer as soon as possible to counteract the effects until you find the problem.
How To Cure Dry Cracking Feet - Treatment And Prevention
By: Cedric Welsch
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