Getting A Strong Lower Back With Seattle Chiropractic Treatments
You never really appreciate your lower back and how much you use it every day until you injure it
. When you hurt your lower back, every moment of your existence can become painful. Everyday actions like bending over to tie your shoes or standing up from a chair are suddenly excruciating. This makes just getting through the day exhausting and even agonizing in severe cases.
The good news is you have treatment options for lower back pain that don't involve prescription painkillers or surgery. By seeking natural treatment from a
Seattle chiropractor, you can feel better fast and get back to a life without lower back pain.
Treating Lower Back Pain
Most people suffer from some sort of lower back pain during their lives. Some of these people are lucky enough to seek
Seattle chiropractic treatment and the pain never returns. Some have chronic back pain relieved by regular treatments. Unfortunately, others continue to suffer or resort to risky prescription painkillers and surgery for relief.
Chiropractic treatment for lower back pain involves spinal adjustment along with following a customized stretching or exercise program. Patients undergoing spinal manipulation followed by specialized stretching and exercises experience great improvement in not only reduction of pain, but also in restoring lower back function.
Causes Of Lower Back Pain
While injury is a major cause of lower back pain, causes can also include weak abdominal muscles and tense leg muscles. Problems with abdominal and leg muscles can also make it easier to injure your lower back, even with only a minor accident. Most people don't realize the abdominal muscles and leg muscles have such a strong relationship to each other. Stretching and doing specialized exercises can strengthen these muscles and alleviate lower back pain.
Alleviating Back Pain
By strengthening the abdominal muscles, you support your lower back. The muscles of the spine aren't designed to carry body weight. When you have weak abdominal muscles, your spinal muscles must jump in to help them support the weight of the body, which usually results in lower back pain.
Strengthening the abdominal muscles also results in better posture. The benefits of good posture are many, including developing long, supple muscles instead of short, tight muscles that lead to lower back pain.
Stretching, Then Exercising
After visiting a Seattle chiropractor, you'll learn stretches and exercises that will strengthen you abdominal and leg muscles to alleviate lower back pain. Always stretch first. Stretches loosen your muscles so you can adequately perform your exercises. Doing your prescribed exercises without stretching can lead to injury, especially if your muscles are tighter than normal on a certain day. Take your time to ensure doing your stretching and exercises right. If you rush through, you won't accomplish much in helping your lower back pain.
If you suffer from lower back pain, don't just live with the pain. You can do something about it without resorting to taking prescription painkillers or undergoing precarious back surgery. Schedule an appointment with a chiropractor today to heal lower back pain for a life lived well.
Getting A Strong Lower Back With Seattle Chiropractic Treatments
By: Belltown Chiro
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