How To Create A Little "me" Time

Share: Earlier this year I decided to take some time out to give myself space to think over my priorities and plan ahead
. To be honest one or two things had not been going as smoothly as I would wish and I thought it might be time to make some changes.
What's more in the previous few weeks a good acquaintance had sadly passed away after illness and a good friend had to spend three weeks in a hospital bed after suddenly being taken ill. Those sorts of things certainly make you take a step back and think about the way your own life is going don't they!
It's not all bad though because one of my sons passed his driving test at the first attempt and now he's happily driving about town in his first car.
But you don't want me to keep rambling on about what's happening to me do you? There is a point, however, to telling you because you too should from time to time take the chance to focus on you and your life. Having clear and definite goals is great but you must always be sure that they are taking you in the right direction.

Share: So it's good to be able to take time to reflect and following these steps might help you.
- First of all you must be sure that you can take time out so you will need to plan ahead and ensure that all your commitments are taken care of for however long you need. You must decide what that is, it might just be a day or a whole week.
- Be sure that anyone likely to be affected by your actions knows and understands what you are doing and arrange any support that you may need.
- Once that's all sorted you need to be sure you can get away from your normal surroundings, even if it's just spending time at the local park or in the library. Just get away from all that normally surrounds you.
- Relax! I've never tried meditation but if you think it will work for you then go for it. But however you do it, you must be able to let go and let your mind wander. Open your mind and you may be surprised at what enters it.
- Be prepared to write down ideas and changes that occur to you.
- Be sure to focus on you and what you truly desire in life. Tune in to your emotions and ensure that you know exactly how you feel now and how you want to feel.
- Most important of all make certain that you do things that you enjoy and that make you happy. You will surely find that it is when you are happy and not even thinking about the normal problems and tasks of life that those flashes of inspiration will come to you.
Of course you may already be moving happily towards your goals and not need your own "Me" time. But remember that the best goals will include within them means of measuring and evaluating your progress and you should ensure you always do so.
by: Tony Hall
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