Backpackers Checklist - Don't Forget A Netbook!

Share: You might not be convinced that a netbook is really a necessary item to take on a trip away
. After all, by packing a netbook, something else will be have to be left at home. So, here are some reasons why netbooks are so great for backpackers...
Reason #1 - Affordability
Costing between $200-400, netbooks are affordable, especially when compared to the cost of standard laptop computers. It is important to keep costs down, because the more money spent prior to traveling, the shorter the trip will probably have to be.
You might think - why not just save an extra $200-400 by not taking any computing equipment at all? However, you will then find yourself paying by the hour, on probably a daily basis, to use computers in Internet shops, and those hourly costs soon add up
Reason # 2 - Utility
You will miss certain people when you are away, and a netbook can fill some of that void. Friends and family can be kept in contact with via emails or Skype calls, and your Facebook page can be kept up-to-date. Socially, there is no need to miss out at all.
Also, thanks to the power of the Internet, a range of tools and extensive travel information are just a click away from the savvy backpacker. Backpackers can quickly get a variety of directions and information on attractions in a few short minutes.
Reason # 3 - Memories
For those eager to preserve the memories of their trip, netbooks offer a variety of ways to do so. In addition to word processing devices and web browsers for journaling and blogging, most netbooks now include a webcam and microphone.
Due to the large sizes of the hard drives, nothing needs to be left out unless you want to leave it out. All of your memories will be kept safe and secure in one place. blogs about
cheap laptops and netbook computers. To learn more about netbooks, read this introductory
buying guide.
Backpackers Checklist - Don't Forget A Netbook!
By: Mark Walters
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