How To Buy Emerald Rings

Share: Are you planning to buy emerald rings for your loved ones or for your own self
? Buying emeralds is not an easy task and these should be shopped with care. If you do not want to over spend on emeralds that are not worth it then you should know what to look for when shopping for emerald rings. Read on to find out the tips to buy these beautiful and elegant rings.
The first thing to look for when choosing emerald rings is the clarity and the color of the emeralds being used in the ring. The common color of the emeralds is green, which are vibrant, attractive, and have a special radiance of their own. While looking at an emerald ring, check out the emerald carefully and see if it is reflecting a radiant green color. Though some say that minor inclusions in emeralds are welcome because they add a special natural effect, it is advisable not to ignore the sin color that adds dullness to the emeralds.
Another thing to look for in an emerald ring is to find out whether the emeralds have been treated with oil. If the emeralds have been treated in a laboratory and have been made to undergo the heat treatment, they lose their originality that thereby reduces its face value. Some jewelers prefer buying cultured emeralds because they look for beautiful. However, it should not be done because it ultimately affects the emerald.
One should also give equal important to the shape of the emerald in an emerald ring. It is a deciding factor because the better the gemstone is cut, the better it would be mounted in the ring. Understanding the carat value of emeralds helps in deciding whether an emerald ring is worth its mentioned price. Usually, an emeralds carat value is measured in milligrams. The higher the carat value, the costlier the emerald is. If you wish to save money then go for lesser value of carat.
You should also check the clarity of the emerald in an emerald ring. Again, the price of the ring would soar with the clarity of the gemstone. Lastly, you should not forget to pay attention to the band in the emerald ring. Whether the design you have chosen would suit better with a yellow gold band or would go better with a platinum band. Make sure you look at every aspect of the ring before deciding one particular design.
by: Vishnu Batwra
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