A Buyers Giude To Sideboards - What To Look For & How To Find The Right One

Share: Firstly, just what is classified as a sideboard
? 'Sideboards' is a fairly wide-ranging expression, spanning floor standing, free standing cupboards, which often can include sliding or hinged doors or drawers, or perhaps a combination of both. In fact, a chest of drawers & a sideboard are two different items, the phrase sideboard may be used to relate to the general appearance, for instance a long, low chest of drawers with legs can also be a sideboard. Initially intended for a dining room, the sideboard was intended to provide a place to be able to keep utensils, crockery, napkins, glasses & beverages, & may also be referred to as a buffet.
However sideboards are now becoming increasingly favored, & are bought for living rooms, as a cupboard for the television, & as a place to keep those small but essential items that never seem to have a home. The arrival of slimmer tvs has meant it's possible to easily put a television on top of a sideboard, and to hide the wires behind it
So sideboards can be an extremely useful & practical piece of contemporary furniture, as well as a product to use as part of your interior design. As most of the storage space is inside of the cupboards & drawers the designers of sideboards have been able to focus on making the exterior beautiful without the need to worry about breaking up lines with shelves etc. These days sideboards have been designed first & foremost to complement your decor. The large top makes it possible for people that have a certain amount of interior style to show a collection of their favourites pieces, whilst even the most design challenged amongst us can stretch to putting a nice lamp, bowl or vase on top.
Many on the new contemporary sideboards, especially sideboards from Italy carefully thought out details, like slim chrome legs, or design detailing on door & drawer fronts. Recent examples include patterned etched glass, mirrored glass, grooved oak, & textured patterns on lacquer - finishing touches that serve no purpose other than to enhance the visual appeal of the piece, which surely must be one of the reasons this versatile piece of furniture has become so popular.

Share: But there is a sideboard for every pocket, from mass produced plain wooden sideboards with modest price tags to beautifully crafted Italian sideboards in glass, gloss lacquer, chrome & sharp edges, at the upper end of the market. Styles available include oriental inspired sideboards with large brass latches, to whitewashed, folk patterned sideboards to slick contemporary designs with clean lines & no handles anywhere. Basically the large number of colours & models that are available these days ensure that consumers can be extremely particular as to what they need, choosing a sideboard to fit their space, as opposed to attempting to create a room to suit their sideboard. However it must be said, white gloss, black gloss & wood finishes are definitely the the vast majority of the market as far as sales go, because these are the colours that are the most versatile.
After you have decided on colour & finish the next thing to consider is what size you would like. It can take time to track down the right size as sideboards are not made to standard sizes, & searching by size online or in shops is difficult, but if you have a particular place in mind for your sideboard you may have to look around a great deal. There is a massive selection of different dimensions in all of the different types of sideboards,& there really is no standard height, width or depth. So if you can spare the time to do some leg work it will be worth it as you should be able to achieve a perfect fit.
Finally, you need to consider what you would like in the way of storage. Do you need drawers for remote controls, spare change etc? If so do the drawers need to be external, or can they be inside the cupboards. Do you need removable shelves so you can store tall items like bottles inside? Not all models have movable or removable shelves, so this is something you will need to check. There is no particular standard, it depends on the sideboard. Having said that it can be so difficult to track down a sideboard in the right size and colour, so you may have to take what you can when it comes to internal storage.
Whilst it is good to have so many choices, getting something in a design you like, that suits your room, & has the correct kind of inside storage space, & the right dimensions is usually hard work. Just how, precisely, does one locate the optimal sideboard? One which looks perfect to your lounge, fits the space exactly & has the right sort of internal storage? The best place to start has got to be online. At least you can search by style & sometimes even colour, so for example you could search 'white sideboards' or 'contemporary sideboards' & at least you will have a starting point. It is possible to search by finish, & it is usually possible to sort the results on a website by price. or traditional sideboards. After you have narrowed the design and style down it is then a case of looking at the ones you like to determine the available sizes & internal storage, & of course the internet allows you to do the vast majority of your homework from the comfort of your armchair!
So don't be afraid to put together a list of exactly what you need, as the chances are if you spend a little time you will find it.
by: Sarah Lawrence
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A Buyers Giude To Sideboards - What To Look For & How To Find The Right One Columbus