How Online College Degrees Can Benefit Students?

Share: According to the 2011 Survey of Online Learning commissioned by the Sloan Consortium
, the number of online students in the country surpassed 6 million in the year 2010*. The survey further reported that one-third of all higher education students were enrolled in at least one online course in the same year**.
What is it about online education that continues to attract students year after year? There must be a reason that the growth rate for online enrollments by far surpasses the rate at which the overall higher education student population is increasing in the country.
Heres a look what makes online degree programs tick, and how they can benefit non-traditional students.
Flexible education
The objective of online and
distance learning degrees is to bring higher education closer to people who are unable to attend regular or traditional college. But who are these people? These are individuals with full-time jobs; parents who stay at home with their kids; folk who have elderly or sick relatives to care for; and other non-traditional students.
Distance learning courses provide them the freedom to create their own study schedule, which essentially means they can study at any time that works best for them. Since most of these programs are self-paced, they can complete their coursework per their convenience. They also have looser deadlines with respect to submitting assignments.
At the heart of the online learning movement is the intention to make higher education more convenient for a vast majority of people, and thats where this flexibility in schedule stems from!
No traveling
In a traditional college setup, more likely than not, you will be traveling to and from college every day. Depending on the location of your school and its distance from where you stay, you could end up spending precious loads of time on the roadtime you could have spent more constructively.
With online degree programs, the majority of the coursework is completed online from the comfort of your home.
Just think about all the time you can save if you dont have to drive through traffic every morning and evening; wait for the signal to turn green for what seems like an eternity; or struggle to reach school during extreme weather conditions only to find your classes have been cancelled.
Avoid sitting in the classroom
Students enrolled in distance learning programs dont have to sit in a classroom. While some regard this as one of the drawbacks of online education, as it eliminates personalized instruction, not sitting in a classroom actually works better for certain categories of non-traditional students.
For example, a person returning to school in his/her 30s or 40s may actually feel intimidated by a roomfull of teenagers and twenty-somethings. Then there are people who suffer from extreme social anxiety, who would not be able to obtain a higher education if not for online learning.
There are other advantages of not having classroom attendance. You will be able to save time, schedule your lessons around other important events of the day rather than the other way round, and be able to retain your job if you are working full-time.
Better work-life balance
Many online students are also full-time professionals with serious jobs. They return to school for career mobility and hope to somehow make it work. Now consider a scenario where in addition to your work and family, you have school to squeeze into your daily schedule.
Unless you have been blessed with superpowers, its not going to be an easy feat to achieve. One of the three is bound to get neglected in your eagerness to do it all.
But with
online degree programs, its not just possible, but can actually be quite simple to balance your personal, professional, and academic commitments. Work when you have to, spend time with your family when you need to, and study when you want to! However, make sure the want to study does not fade away or you may end up miserably behind on your coursework.
Lower costs
Before you jump to any conclusions, you should know that the tuition and fee for distance learning degrees is not significantly lower than on campus programs, if at all!
However, distance learning programs turn out to be more economical because they allow you to save on fuel, parking, accommodation, books and supplies, and other such associated costs of attending college.
Where students of online degrees probably have to invest is a reliable, high-speed Internet connection and a good-quality laptop, since these will be their loyal bedfellows as they move forward in their journey to acquire advanced education.
by: Ben G
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