The Benefits Of Online Yearbooks

Share: As we slowly transition from a paper-based society to a virtual one
, more and more critical documents are being processed online. Billing is handled virtually, court documents are sent electronically, and people are uploading and sharing their photographs and video memories with the click of a mouse. Its stands to reason that traditional hardcover yearbooks would be the next important keepsakes to move into the online world, and many high schools, colleges, and universities now offer students a choice between the hard copies they are used to and online yearbooks that are downloaded to electronic devices.
Digital Features of Online Yearbooks
While online yearbooks share the same photographs and page setup of traditional versions, they offer additional features that can only be accessed through digital technology. For example, students can download the photos of their choice and use their photo software to make changes to the pictures. They can add their own touches to the yearbook by adding videos of important events, sports, and more. As a result, their memories are preserved in one place, making it easier to access in the future.
Online Yearbooks are Earth Friendly
A lot of people are going green these days and online yearbooks are a way to help do just that. Since online yearbooks go through thousands of printed pages for one class year, online yearbooks reduce the waste and use of paper entirely.
Easy to Use
Getting yearbooks prepared for press is a complex, time-consuming experience that can take up many hours of time. Online yearbooks are prepared using secure, dependable software programs that are user-friendly and intuitive. Once the final version is complete and ready to view, it is easy to download the yearbooks onto hard drives, CDs, and DVDs to enjoy on a variety of devices.
Reduced Expense
Most online yearbooks are cheaper to purchase than traditional yearbooks. Not only do these save the school money on printing costs, but save the students at the end of the year when it comes time to purchase a yearbook.
Instant Access from Any Electronic Device
It never fails that just when you want to share your yearbook with friends or family, you realize you havent brought it along. Online yearbooks remove this frustration because students can access them from any internet ready device any time of day or night.
Finally, students might worry that they wont be able to participate in the tradition of signing each others yearbooks when they move to an online version. However, online yearbooks are set up with a digital signature function, so friends can still leave their thoughts and farewells in a permanent location where the owner will be able to see it for many years to come.
Online yearbooks are the next big step into the digital age, taking advantage of all the features todays technology can offer. While most schools continue to offer both options to students, online yearbooks are rapidly gaining in popularity.
by: jenna54768
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