How Much Pa. Auto Insurance Should You Get?

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How Much Pa. Auto Insurance Should You Get?
When considering how much Pa. auto insurance you need to get, you need to understand what the requirements are under Pennsylvania state law. First, remember that all automobile owners in the state are required to get liability insurance coverage. If you do not maintain coverage, you may be subject to fines and other sanctions. If you are pulled over for a moving violation and found to be without insurance, you face the minimum fine of $300, impoundment of your vehicle, suspension of your registration and license for 90 days, as well as fees for reinstating your registration and license. If you can prove that you have not operated your car during the period when it was not covered by insurance, you may avoid suspension of your registration but still face suspension of your license.
The minimum requirements set by Pennsylvania law for auto insurance coverage, as well as Pennsylvania motorcycle insurance, are summarized as 15/30/5, meaning at least $15,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person up to a total of $30,000 per accident and a minimum of $5,000 for property damage liability coverage. Automobile insurance companies in the state are also required to provide a minimum of $5,000 in medical benefits coverage for all policies; this coverage pays for medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident regardless of who was at fault. If you use your car frequently, you should get more coverage than the minimum mandated by law. Depending on the type of vehicle you're driving, the amount of coverage you should get is around twice or thrice the minimum.
Also keep in mind that although you are not allowed to register your vehicle if you are not covered, it is estimated that as much as 7% of the drivers (or as many as 700,000 drivers) on the road are uninsured. Thus, you should also consider getting Pennsylvania auto insurance quotes for uninsured and under-insured motorist insurance. This type of coverage will pay for the medical bills of you and/or your passengers provided it is the other driver's fault and they are considered uninsured or underinsured. Uninsured drivers are those who are not covered or whose coverage does not come up to the mandated minimum; underinsured drivers are those whose coverage meets the minimum but whose limits are not high enough to pay for the damages.

Share: If you are looking for an affordable Pennsylvania auto insurance rate, here are some tips on getting discounts from insurance providers. For example, if you install safety and anti-theft features in your car, you could get a lower Pennsylvania car insurance quote. Teenagers and mature drivers could also get a cheaper Pa. auto insurance rate upon completion of an accredited driver accident prevention course.
When soliciting auto insurance coverage quotes, get at least three or five so that you can compare them to find the one which best meets your needs. You can also consider talking to an accredited insurance agent or broker to determine the amount of coverage that you really need. When selecting an insurance policy, don't just go with the most affordable Pa. auto insurance quote, but choose the one that gives you the most protection even if you have to pay a little more.
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How Much Pa. Auto Insurance Should You Get?