Female drivers and insurance

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Female drivers and insurance
Women often get far better insurance quotes for their vehicles if compared to male car owners. This is because most insurance companies tend to see women as far safer drivers than men with far less claims being filed by female drivers.
And while this may sound like harassment to male drivers, numerous studies show that women are actually less risky drivers, posing less risk to the insurance company and getting respective rates. Moreover, women tend to get into serious car accidents quite rarely and take a good care of their autos as opposed to men who tend to have more serious accidents and aren't maintaining their cars properly.

Share: The official statistics indicate that women have only one or two traffic violations in their driving records in average, while most men have more than three similar entries. Still, the age rule applies here too as younger girls tend to make more mistakes than older women and get higher rates respectively. However, it's hard to compare the aggressive driving style of young men and young women, because we all know how young guys tend to do everything possible and impossible with their cars. The girls are a lot calmer in that sense.
In order to get a good benefit from good auto insurance quotes for women you can use the "Insured and Partner" type of policies that allow you to get the same rates for the spouse. In general women tend to get 30% lower rates on the same policies as men even if having similar driving records. However, as time passes and more statistics are accumulated regarding one's driving experience there isn't a big difference between good male and female drivers in what concerns insurance rates. It all boils down to how good of a driver you are.
Pregnancy may become an additional factor for women behind the wheel, but it doesn't make any difference when it comes to auto insurance quotes. Still, you would want to apply the following tips in order to raise your safety while being pregnant and driving a car:
SAFETY COMES FIRST. Collision and bodily injury coverage are two types of auto insurance you should have in your policy no matter what.
SEATBELT. For most women it becomes a problem during pregnancy. But you can place the strap beneath your belly, not across it. This will be much safer both for you and your baby in case something happens on the road.
POSITION. You have to keep at least 10 inches of free space between you and the steering wheel. This is the safety distance for most airbags that still allows you to drive comfortably. If you're doing a long ride you can stop a couple of times in order to give your legs a stretch.
DON'T DRIVE AT NIGHT. Night driving is associated with more risk even for those who are not pregnant. It also increases stress and that's definitely the thing you want to avoid while being pregnant. If possible, drive only during daytime.
RIGHT FOOD. Pregnant women tend to be more sensitive to blood sugar level changes so it is very important to avoid fast food while being behind the wheel. Fast drops and raises in blood sugar levels will seriously affect your sense of awareness and ability to concentrate, and that's definitely not the type of things you want to feel while driving.
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