I have never been one to tell patients that they should exchange their breast implants every 10 years
. Thattime frame came about based on the manufacturers financial assistance warranty. I have always told patients that if they have problems with their breast implants, then by all means they should be making a consultation to exchange their breast implants. Now, what do I mean by a problem? The first, most common problem that I see in patients are encapsulated breast implants.This means the implants have scar tissue that has built up around the implant and therefore they are hard to the touch or feel very firm. I see women who have walked around with their implants encapsulated for years. More often than not, these are also the same women who do not get regular mammograms because their breast are painful. Breast implants whether saline or silicone should feel soft to the touch even over time. If the breast implants look misshapen or have changed significantly in size, patients should consider breast implant exchange.Patients should be careful to do their research prior to selecting a plastic surgeon to perform their breast implant exchange. Dont be fooled into believing that it is not a big deal and that any doctor can switch implants. There are many considerations that need to be researched prior to making the decision to remove and/or replace breast implants. The procedure should go relatively smoothly and patients should have a reasonably short recovery. One excellent incentive that I blogged about a few months ago, Im happy to report has been extended.The incentive is offered by the breast implant manufacturer Mentor. Mentor will give anypatient who exchanges her old implants for the new FDA approved cohesive gel silicone implants, a$250 gift card to be used however she wishes. This offer is amazing because it helps women to make what sometimes can be a difficult decision to have breast implant change. Patients who are considering breast implant exchange surgery , should be aware that we may be able to help patients to save money and also find the best plastic surgeon for their procedure. 1-855-488-DOCS (3627)
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How Long Is Too Long For Breastimplants? New York City