How To Make IVF Successful - What You Should Know Before Treatment
How To Make IVF Successful - What You Should Know Before Treatment
It is very sensible to look at how to make IVF successful prior to embarking on treatment. You are about to invest a huge amount of time, money and emotional effort over the next few months and it is only right that you do whatever you can to ensure that it is a success.
Many couples feel that they are swept along with the mechanics of the procedure and that they have little control over what is going on. Whilst this is true to a certain extent, there is a great deal you can do and you should never underestimate how seemingly minor changes can make the difference between a positive outcome or a negative one.
The first step is an obvious one. You should gather as much information as possible. Speak to your doctor to discuss your plans and if you have not done so already, schedule some fertility tests. These early stages are a good point to take a critical look at any bad habits you have and now is the time to let go. If either of you smoke, then it is vital that you stop, as smoking in either the man or woman can inhibit fertility and be harmful for the developing baby. If you drink alcohol, cut this right down or stop altogether.
Speak to your doctor about any other practices which could possibly harm the fertility of either of you, such as bicycle riding, taking too-hot baths, taking certain prescribed medicines or working with any potentially harmful chemicals. Take steps as early as possible to remove harmful elements of your lifestyle-ideally at least 3 months before, but it is never too late!
When looking at how to make IVF successful, one extremely important area to modify is your diet. The foods you both eat can have a huge effect on fertility-much more than many people realise. Certain foods can enhance fertility, improving both egg quality and the health of the reproductive organs whereas others can inhibit your chances of becoming parents. Try to base your diet on organic foods, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, full-fat dairy produce, beans, nuts, seeds and lean meats. Avoid eating foods with artificial additives, trans fats and sugars. What you drink is also very important. Drink at least 2 liters of water each day and avoid caffeinated drinks.
Other steps for those wanting to know how to make IVF successful include taking the right kind of exercise, managing stress and consider using alternative therapies, such as acupuncture as there is evidence that this will help improve success rates, especially at the time of implantation.
This is just a small sample of what you can do beforehand. If you would like further comprehensive information, you might like to visit my website on How To Make IVF Successful.
Specifically designed to teach you exactly what to do during, after and before IVF treatment using techniques which are scientifically proven to work the system I recommend is packed full of IVF egg retrieval hints and tips to help give you the best possible outcome.
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