How Is Cosmetic Dentistry Different From General Dentistry?

Share: With dental problems becoming more complex, there is a growing requirement for dentists who specialize in specific fields
. This has led to different specializations in dentistry. There are two main categories which dentistry can be divided into- General dentistry and cosmetic dentistry.
Difference between Cosmetic and General Dentistry
When looking for suitable options for dentistry Ephrata, PA it is important that you know the difference between the two sub-fields. Understanding the differences can help you make a better choice when faced with dental problems.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry in Ephrata PA involves enhancing facial appearance through dental care. You would need to see a cosmetic dentist if you want to enhance the appearance of your teeth through the use of teeth whitening, dental bonding, veneers and caps. Cosmetic dentistry involves additional training that most general dentists don't undergo. Another difference is that cosmetic dentistry is a bit more expensive than general dentistry.
General Dentistry
General dentistry caters to the oral health of people. The basic aim of general dentistry is to clean and repair teeth. General dentistry involves root canals, bridges, braces, caps, removing cavities, fillings, tooth ache and other functionality problems. General dentistry can also help solve bad breath problems. General dentistry is more affordable compared to cosmetic dentistry.
Apart from these, you can also find sedation dentistry in Ephrata, PA. Although this is not a specialized field of dentistry like the other two, it has been widely recognized in the last few years. This is because sedation dentistry includes the use of sedatives on patients to keep them calm throughout the procedures. Based on your requirements, you can choose the right kind of dentistry in Ephrata PA to meet your requirements.
by: Aliceshown
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