Selecting A Dental Office With No Insurance

Share: Health care is extremely important, as is the care of your teeth
. Unfortunately there are thousands of people in the nation who do not have health insurance, which means that they also don't have dental insurance. While not having dental insurance may seem small when compared to needing health insurance, dental insurance is extremely important, as taking proper care of your teeth can also help you to avoid getting other types of illnesses. If you don't have any insurance, there are still things that you can do so that you can have regular checkups at your dentist.
Getting Help
When you're looking for dentistry offices and you don't have an insurance carrier, you should first make an attempt to get some help. Most states have state aide that can help them to pay for medical necessities, which includes dentistry visits. In order to qualify for this type of state insurance you may have to only make a specific amount of money every month, and, unfortunately, the levels are changing due to the state of the economy. But there is still state help out there for those who are looking for help with paying for their dentistry needs.
If you do get state help, make sure that you check with your dentist's office to ensure that they actually accept that type of insurance. Some dentistry offices don't accept state insurance, and while many do, it can be very frustrating to book an appointment with the dentist and to later discover that they don't accept state insurance. So make sure that you ask your dentist about state insurance before you select them.
Other Options
If you don't qualify for state insurance, and don't want to fork over a great deal of money for private insurance, there are still ways that you can see your dentist on a regular basis. Many dentistry offices actually have payment plans which can help you to afford to work with them, and some of them even have sliding scales! The sliding scale means that the rate the dentist charges varies, depending on what type of income you make. You can also select a dentist who accepts payment plans. These payment plans make it much easier to be able to pay your bill, as you're able to pay down the bill every month with a specific amount that is sent directly to the dentist.
Or you can also elect to get a credit card specifically for your dentistry needs. There are a few select credit card companies who specialize in this type of credit and who issue credit cards for medical or dental needs. This is similar to paying the amount monthly, only you're often able to charge more to the cards, allowing you to have more in-depth treatment done than a simple cleaning. These cards are often used by people who are looking for cosmetic dentistry treatment, but can also be used by someone who simply wants regular treatment from their dentist.
by: Roger Ubik
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