Earlier you had to submit some proof to get a quote from the company
. But in online quoting, all you need to provide is your zip code and you get the quote. They ask you whether you already have any kind of insurance on your name. They also ask you what kind of insurance are you looking for and the type of coverage that you seek. If it's a car or vehicle insurance, they would ask the number of vehicles that you wish to get insured.
You can either go on the website of the company that you want as your insurer and get the quote or you can go for other websites which provide you with the quotes of many other companies along with the one you want. All this service is free of charge and does not cost you even a penny. The time required is less too. Generally, the information that you ask for is provided immediately but many times it takes a few hours to get you the exact details. But once you have the details in your hand, you can choose from the list that you have and get insured under the company providing the best rate and the most lenient clauses.
The working of online quoting companies is very easy to understand. The companies ask for a few details of yours and then provide you with their quotes immediately or in while of few hours. If you opt for a website quoting for a number of companies, you can get the list of the companies. The comparing of the quotes offered by the companies is a tough job and needs assistance by some knowledgeable person n that field. You can also do it all by yourself if you manage to educate yourself enough about the working in this field.