There Is A Reason It Is hard To Compare Business Insurance Online
The insurance companies face the same dilemma; working out the Sum Insured of a business is much harder than for car
. And for this reason you will almost never get an online insurance quote for business insurance and the reason why it is damn hard to compare business insurance online. The best thing to do is to fill in a form with a business insurance broker or broker website and get them to contact you. Often insurance brokers will cover a number of insurance companies and so by contacting them you can still get a comparison. When you ring a broker ask them how many underwriters they cover as it is the underwriter that determines the price. If they provide business insurance from several underwriters then get them to provide you with a quote. It is not as convenient as comparing car insurance but the end result is usually the same - a better deal on your insurance premium.
There Is A Reason It Is hard To Compare Business Insurance Online