» Auto Insurance » How Do I know I have Insurance with my Car Transport Quote
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How Do I know I have Insurance with my Car Transport Quote

How Do I know I have Insurance with my Car Transport Quote

How Do I know I have Insurance with my Car Transport Quote

Are you scheduling on transporting your automobile and want more information about insuring your vehicle during auto shipping? Your car shipping company should ensure your car will be protected during theft.

However to cover yourself and your vehicle you should... Ask for a duplicate of your vehicle shipping companies current insurance coverage. Determine if you car shipping carrier insurance is secondary or primary to your own car insurance. In case if your car were to be damaged during shipping. Learn if theirs a damage deductible and if so how much is it? A lot of times when your car transport quote is giving to you, it includes insurance. While the car transport company should cover any deductibles. A higher deductible means more higher risk for you. While some carriers will give your true insurance coverage. But you may want to see the car shipping carriers actual insurance policy in writing.

Your car insurance carrier may cover your car while in transit. Check with your auto insurance carrier to verify if it covers your vehicle during transit. While a lot of car shipping companies might include your automobile in route, but it does not cover personnel objects inside the vehicle. However your home insurance policy may cover these items. You can check with your home insurance about this. However it is best not to include any personnel items in your car.

Many auto transport carriers discourage or prohibit you from having personnel items in your car. They do this because some carriers insurance does not cover household objects in your car and are not license. Also your car may bottom-out if its loaded to heavy with your personnel items in the car and your car transport company insurance policy may not include those damages. This is why it may be a good idea just not to include these items in your car.
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How Do I know I have Insurance with my Car Transport Quote Casper