CAR VALETING INSURANCE: Don't Forget You're Dealing With People's Prized Possessions

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We all know how proud people can be of their cars - especially the people who use car valeting services. And it's not surprising when you consider how much money they have invested in them.
And since you're being entrusted with these high value, highly prized possessions all day, every day, car valeting insurance has to be a must.
Whether you have fixed premises or you run a mobile operation, there are plenty of opportunities during your working day for things to go badly wrong. No matter how careful you are, accidents happen.

Share: Just imagine.
You have a mishap with a specialist cleaning fluid and make an all too obvious mess of a Range Rover's upholstery. One not very happy owner is going to be making a claim against you for the maximum amount he can.
Or you have to move a customer's Merc into a tight space and you make contact with another customer's Porsche. It only has to be a small nudge or a tiny scrape and two not very happy owners are going to be making a claim against you for the maximum amount they can.
If you don't have the public liability cover that a good car valeters insurance package should include, you're going to be faced with compensation payments that could run into thousands of pounds plus some very expensive legal bills on top.
Could your business withstand that kind of shock? If not, you could lose everything you've worked so hard to build up.
There are some other risks you might want to consider too. You've probably invested a lot of money in the equipment you use. If it gets damaged or stolen, could you afford to replace it straight away? If not, you'll be out of business until you can. But if you add tools and equipment cover to your car valeter insurance, you'll be able to carry on with the minimum disruption.
If you employ any staff and one of them has an accident at work, once again you could find yourself facing a claim for compensation. If your car valeting insurance includes employers liability cover, however, you'll be protected financially in the event of that happening. In fact, if you do employ staff, even just casual labour, employers liability insurance is a legal requirement.
So don't work without it. Just follow the link to get the insurance for car valeters that will protect you and your business
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CAR VALETING INSURANCE: Don't Forget You're Dealing With People's Prized Possessions