How Can I Understand and Apply Responsibility Better in My Life?

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For many people, the word responsibility conjures up different definitions and possibly feelings of fear and angst. I have found that for me, it need not be a word that is associated with strict schools, and a tough, military upbringing.
I have rather found, that by applying it as I will explain below, to be a helpful way to navigate my way through difficult challenges, and lead me towards great success.
To explain this point better, I am going to ask you if you have ever had a problem, or something not go your way. I am certain there are numerous situations you may refer to, and I am also positive that these issues may arise daily. However, to become more focused, how many times have you blamed someone else when these situations have occurred?
I am certain, that of you are honest with your self, and others, that on at least a few occasions, you may have blamed others, for a whole host of reasons. However, the simple fact is that whenever anything happens to us, most of the time, we are at least, partially responsible. I am not referring to freak accidents where you may be walking on a side path, and be flattened by a falling brick from a building site. Seriously, I am referring to everyday life, where we are constantly making decisions, and acting in certain ways, at given times.
It is natural that at some times, we may find we do not see the results we want, and so on. This is life. Now, when this has occurred to you, have you immediately blamed anyone else who may be around, or taken your fair share of the blame? I know this is a tough question, in that it may be touching your buttons, so to speak. However, the first law of success, in our lives, personal and business, is to take responsibility, or as I like to say, living above the line.
Anything and everything that happens to me is my responsibility.
I would like you, to say this to yourself daily, every morning as well as evening. This is not a joke. The more seriously you take this, the more impact it will have on you.
Putting all of this another way, when we realise that we are responsible for our decisions, the results we get, from the actions we take, we change our entire outlook, and mental state, and at the same time, others begin to see the view within us as well, through our actions. You may not see an instant change in your results, but given a short while, there will be absolutely no doubt, what so ever, that you taking responsibility for your life, will yield amazing results. Again, please know that I am saying this, based on my own experiences from my life.
As a self employed person, I can tell you that I need to take responsibility for my business and marketing. How many times have you come across business owners who have blamed the economy, their clients, the government, and so on for their troubles. Lets face it, the only person responsible is the owner, or you, for your business or life. Accept that responsibility takes effort, but it also empowers, and motivates us to do better.
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