Household Insurance Policies Dont Ususally Cover Boiler Breakdowns

Share: Out of all the many different types of insurance out there
, many people dont really think about getting separate insurance just for their boiler. However, when you look at the figures it really does start to make sense not only are boilers one of the things thats most likely to wrong with a house especially ones with older heating systems but getting them fixed can cost huge amounts of money. When you consider that the minimum you are likely to be charged is in the region of 30 an hour,
boiler insurance might not seem like such a crazy idea!
Make sure before you get cover to find out whose responsibility breakdowns are. If you have anything but a standard mortgage, you might find that its not you that has to pay out and getting heating cover or boiler insurance would be a complete waste of money! Likewise, if you already have boiler insurance you may just be able to cancel via direct debit and move straight over to another provider, but make sure you check if youve entered into any contractual agreement first.
If it is all up to you its time to look for a provider. Most energy providers may have a service that provides some level of heating or boiler cover, but dont think that you should go with them just because you already use them for other things. Its worth shopping around as theres a lot of variation in both prices and services for heating insurance. Some of the major providers are: Direct Line, British Gas, Npower, HomeServe and HomeCall+.
There are several things you should be looking out for when researching and comparing different boiler insurance companies. It can be quite in depth because different packages may provide cover to different elements of your system, some of which are more likely to break down than others. Although a comparison site is a good place to start, as theres so many different variables in a heating system such as the age and the quality of components, giving companies a call and asking specifics is generally a very good idea.

Share: There are a few things you should look out for no matter what company you go for. Firstly, youll want to know how to contact the company. Do they have a constant helpline that you can call even if your boiler breaks down at 4AM on a Sunday? Next youll want to make sure you know exactly what the provider considers to an emergency. No hot water might be an emergency for you if youve got a family that wants to have a shower before they go to work and school, but it may not be an emergency from the companys point of view!
Finally, dont forget that you might not actually need boiler insurance at all. If youve got a relatively new system where any more than a single callout every year is going to be unlikely, you might find it cheaper not to pay out for insurance. Of course just having a new system is no guarantee you wont have problems, so its always going to be a risk you have to consider.
by: Bailey Mike
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