What You Didn't Know About Moving Trucks

Share: So what size trucksdo you have? Its probably the second most common question from
a customer behind How much do you charge per hour.But unlike the dollar figure per hour question, truck size as it relates to furniture moving, is a largely misunderstood question. When you lookat atruck with a box on the back,there are a couple of important things to understand.
Acommon reference to a 1,3 or 5 ton truck is misleading in a number of ways. Let me explain; the weight of an empty truck on a scale is called the Tare weight. If you were to load it full of furniture and drive over the same scale, the new weight is called Gross Vehicle Weight or G.V.W. If you subtract the G.V.W. from the Tare weight you get the Aggregate. This aggregate is the amount of weight you are actually carrying in the truck. And there in lies the confusion: if you are asking your moverwhat size truck do you have?, it could be a 5 ton Tare, Aggregate, or G.V.W.! There is however an even more significantissue when it comes to truck size, as it relates to your inner citymove.
The key issue for a local move is not the weight-bearing ability of the truck but rather its box sizeand its volumetric capacity. A five ton truck set upfor hauling small heavy weights (think car batteries) may have a high G.V.W., but the box would be relatively small. Conversely, a truck used tohaul bags of potatochips could havealarge box with lessweight-bearingability. And what does this have to do with your move? Both of thesetrucks may have trickled down to the local furniture moving trade.
On first glance the 5 ton seems to be the better option, but the key issue is volumetric capacity, thereforthe lightertruck maybe more appropriate for your local move. There is an additional issue for you to consider when making inquiries about truck sizes. How well can your mover pack the truck? If there are 30 cubic meters of volumetric space, can he fill it completely?Some movershaveexcellent spatial recognition while othershave none.
The key for a consumer to understand is that a professional mover willbring the appropriate truck and crew for your job. Your job is to figure out who thetrue professionals are!
by: City MOVE
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