Home Insurance - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Share: When you buy a house, you're probably going to be required to offer proof of insurance before you close on the deal
. It's not just good business, getting cover on your home is just good sense. A lot can happen and sometimes does. Making sure that you're covered for any eventuality is smart.
Whether you live in the desert of the south-western United States, or the middle of London, home insurance can protect you from all those silly things you just don't expect when you get your home. Go figure that when you arrive on the scene, the hot water tank that worked fine yesterday sends you out stone cold water, or the power lines suddenly aren't supplying power. Owning a home is a source of great pride, but it can also be a serious drain on your financial resources if something goes wrong. Making sure that you're covered when or if it does means you've taken steps to protect your family as well as your finances.
How do you choose the best kind of home insurance? What is the best kind of cover for your home? Aren't they all pretty much alike?
Sadly, they are all nothing alike. There are a great many different 'flavours' of protection out there. In fact there are as many different kinds of cover as there are companies and agents waiting to sell it to you.

Share: First of all, just like anything else, shop around. Comparison shopping is easier when you use resources like the internet. You can find a great many sites that will give you the opportunity to compare the different types of insurance cover and the various costs of them.
Making sure that you get the best price for your policy as well as the best service that you can get is first and foremost on your agenda. Cost shouldn't be the be-all and end-all of the policy shopping trip, but of course it will be and should be a factor.
When you are shopping for your policy, take into account what kind of special problems or special considerations that you have that may need to be covered. If you own antiques of any kind or keep a lot of jewellery in your home, ask how much of that will be covered and what you will need to do to assure that it is covered in your specific policy.
Be as accurate as you can when you describe the items that need to be insured. Make sure that you give them accurate information on the contents and things that need to be insured. You are going to get the value of the contents and property that you tell them that you have. If you're facts are not on the money, the money won't be there to cover you.
Check for anything special that you may need to cover and check around for companies that will give you discounts. Special discounts might be available for you if you have certain things such as a security system installed, or if you buy your car insurance at the same place as your home insurance.
by: Tom Jones
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