Hemizygosity may Enhance Susceptibility to Asbestos Fibres
One interesting study is called, "Hemizygosity of Nf2 is associated with increased
susceptibility to asbestos-induced peritoneal tumours" by Jocelyne Fleury-Feith, Cline Lecomte, Annie Renier, Mireille Matrat, Laurence Kheuang, Vincent Abramowski, Franoise Levy, Anne Janin, Marco Giovannini and Marie-Claude Jaurand - Oncogene (2003) 22, 37993805. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Biallelic NF2 gene inactivation is frequently found in human malignant mesothelioma. In order to assess whether NF2 hemizygosity may enhance susceptibility to asbestos fibres, we investigated the Nf2 status in mesothelioma developed in mice presenting a heterozygous mutation of the Nf2 gene (Nf2KO3/+), after intraperitoneal inoculation of crocidolite fibres. Asbestos-exposed Nf2KO3/+ mice developed tumoural ascites and mesothelioma at a higher frequency than their wild-type (WT) counterparts (P amosite > crocidolite. All three asbestos types were more toxic to I-407 than to ARL-6 cells. Chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite were also tested for inhibition of colony formation in cultures of mouse colon-derived epithelial-like (MCE-1) cells; these cells were more resistant than the I-407 cells to all three fiber types; although similar to the ARL-6 cells in sensitivity to chrysotile and amosite, the MCE-1 cells were more sensitive to crocidolite then the ARL-6 cells. Leaching of the three asbestos forms for 3 days in sterile deionized water did not appreciably affect the cytotoxicity of I-407 or ARL-6 cells. Leaching in hydrochloric acid, however, greatly decreased the cytotoxicity of chrysotile on these cells and particularly in cultures of ARL-6 cells slightly increased the cytotoxicity of amosite and crocidolite. Leaching in deionized water altered the composition of the asbestos as revealed by release of substantial levels of Mg2+ and Ca2+ into the leaching fluid. Greater titers of these ions were released during leaching in hydrochloric acid."
If you found any of these excerpts interesting, please read the studies in their entirety. We all owe a debt of gratitude to these researchers for their hard work.
Hemizygosity may Enhance Susceptibility to Asbestos Fibres
By: Montwrobleski77
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