Increases in Asbestos in the Past Century have Necessitated Intense Study
One interesting study is called, "A retrospective mortality cohort study of chrysotile
asbestos products workers in Tianjin 19721987" by Wei-nan Cheng and Jian Kong - Environmental Research - Volume 59, Issue 1, October 1992, Pages 271-278. Here is an excerpt: "The mortality rate of a cohort of asbestos workers was investigated in Tianjin, China, between January 1, 1972, and December 31, 1987. The cohort consisted of 662 males and 510 females, employed in asbestos textiles, friction material, and asbestos cement manufacturing. A statistically significant excess mortality was observed for lung cancer in both males and females (SMR 278 and 427, respectively). An increasing trend in SMR was observed with increasing intervals of exposure as well as with increasing exposure level. A synergistic effect was seen between asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking regarding lung cancer. The ratio of smoking and nonsmoking lung cancer death rates was virtually the same in asbestos and in nonasbestos workers. This ratio was approximately 1.6, a value much less than that reported in other countries. This low ratio appears to reflect the fact that many nonsmokers were in fact passive cigarette smokers. Second, it reflects the fact that most smokers smoked hand-rolled tobacco, since manufactured cigarettes did not become popular in China until 1965. These data confirm the hazards of asbestos exposure in developing countries."
Another interesting study is called, "Exposure to low levels of ozone results in enhanced pulmonary retention of inhaled asbestos fibers." By Pinkerton KE, Brody AR, Miller FJ, Crapo JD - Am Rev Respir Dis. 1989 Oct;140(4):1075-81. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract
Health effects associated with exposure to ozone at environmentally relevant concentrations are subject to considerable controversy. Currently, no compelling evidence exists that exposure to low levels of ozone leads to lasting impairment of pulmonary structure or function. One adverse health effect of ozone may be to change lung uptake or clearance functions for other inhaled air pollutants. As a test of this hypothesis, Fischer 344 rats were continuously exposed to 0.06 ppm ozone 7 days a week with a slow rise in ozone to a peak of 0.25 ppm and subsequent decrease to 0.06 ppm over a 9-h period five times each week for 6 wk. Three days after the end of ozone exposure, animals-were exposed to aerosolized asbestos fibers for 5 h and examined immediately after or 30 days after exposure to asbestos. Filtered air control animals were simultaneously exposed to asbestos. Immediately after the end of fiber exposure, lung asbestos fiber burden was similar in both groups. However, 1 month after exposure, fiber mass and fiber number were significantly greater (p less than 0.05) in the lungs of animals exposed to ozone than in the lungs of those exposed to air. These findings suggest that ambient levels of ozone can impair clearance of fibrogenic and carcinogenic materials such as asbestos from the lungs and represent an important adverse effect of prolonged exposure to low levels of this oxidant gas."
Another interesting study is called, "Environmental asbestos concentrations in the United States." By Nicholson WJ, Rohl AN, Weisman I, Selikoff IJ. - IARC Sci Publ. 1980;(30):823-7. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Measurements were made of chrysotile concentrations in buildings with asbestos-lined return air plenums, in buildings with damaged asbestos surfacing material, in the houses of asbestos workers, and around buildings while asbestos-containing fireproofing material was being sprayed on steelwork. The data obtained demonstrate significant environmental contamination by asbestos: 43/89 air samples exceeded 50 ng/m3, although only 2/89 samples exceeded 1000 ng/m3. These findings should prompt appropriate control or remedial action."
Another interesting study is called, "Pathogenic effects of asbestos." By Kannerstein M, Churg J, McCaughey E, Selikoff IJ -Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1977 Dec;101(12):623-8. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - The enormous increase in the use of asbestos during this century has necessitated the intensive study of its pathogenic effects. The occurrence of pulmonary parenchymal and pleural fibrosis and an increased prevalence of pulmonary and gastrointestinal carcinoma and of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma have been established. A relationship, also, to laryngeal carcinoma is probable. Mesothelioma has been associated with indirect occupational, domestic, and neighborhood exposure, and the possibility of a similar correlation of pulmonary carcinoma with low exposure has been suggested. Pulmonary fibrosis and pleural plaques have been demonstrated under these circumstances. The physical characteristics of the asbestos fiber appear to be the principal factors in its carcinogenic action. The ability of fine, short fibers, especially fragmented chrysotile, to reach the pleura would appear to account for many of the pathogenetic and anatomical features of asbestos-related disease."
If you found any of these excerpts interesting, please read the studies in their entirety. We all owe a debt of gratitude to these researchers for their hard work.
Increases in Asbestos in the Past Century have Necessitated Intense Study
By: Montwrobleski77
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Increases in Asbestos in the Past Century have Necessitated Intense Study New York City