If you have gotten your auto insurance online, did you know what you bought? What is the coverage's that you are carrying to protect yourself or your financial future. Chances are you bought the cheapest auto insurance coverage available to you. While I understand we all want car insurance at a cheap rate, we do not want cheap auto insurance. Whether you're in a small town like Longview or a large city like Dallas chances are you may have missed important coverage that could protect you and your family.
Did you know that for a buck or two a month you could raise your liability limits from the state minimum to a more suitable limit. If you bought this policy online or from a 1-800 number, you may not have been advised of this. Why would that matter? One accident could change your financial future. Just because you talk with a licensed agent doesn't mean you will pay more, in fact you will more likely get affordable auto insurance with the coverage you need.
Do you own a home? Did you get a discount for that? Did you know if you insured your homeowner insurancewith your auto carrier you could save 20% on the home insurance, even 10% on the auto insurance rate. Where you made aware of these discounts or is it buy beware? Did you get actual cash value or replacement cost for the homeowner insurance. What's the difference? Well thousands of Dollars if you have a loss. Well I bought the insurance online; shouldn't they have advised me of that? Will they cover this mistake? NO! If you had talked with insurance professional and they made this mistake you would have recourse. Take the time and speak with a professional and get a comprehensive home owner insurance review. They will find a policy and a price that fits your budget and will get you the coverage's that you want. Share:
Remember just because you speak with a licensed insurance professional doesn't mean you will pay more for home and auto insurance. Wouldn't you rather have choice of coverage's that were explained to you in a way that you understand. Learning insurance after you have had a loss is no way to learn about protecting your family and your assets.