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Why You Don't Want To Autoplay Your Videos

Why You Don't Want To Autoplay Your Videos

Why You Don't Want To Autoplay Your Videos

1. It's annoying, you have to think of it this way, they could be at work and don't want their boss finding out their slacking off by looking at your site. Not to mention they could be already listening to their own music, and the last thing they want is music that they might not even like blasting into their earphones of speakers.

2. It can slow down your sites load time. Auto playing music not so much, this applies more to videos, but with the increasing numbers of internet browsers who use mobile means, Iphone or blackberry for example. Depending on where you live in the world using one of these devices will have bandwidth/download limits. So having a file that automatically plays will slow your site down even more, leaving them frustrated which in turn means they will leave.

3. People like choice, this ties in with the first reason. If let's say you're a big time metal fan and a visitor likes classical music their not going to like what your playing. People also don't like being forced into something they don't want to hear or see.

4. Chances are good they might not like the music anyway. Let's say for example your into old school hair metal. While you might think this kind of music is great a lot of others don't for various reasons. The same goes for music that has controversial lyrics, these types of music can offend people and drive them away from your site. Even those who like the same type of music as you may be driven away because they don't want to have it blasting at them as soon as they click on your site.

If you do decide that this is something that you want for your site, please remember one thing. Have the controls in an easy to find place preferably at the top of the page, so your visitors can turn it off if they don't like it. Another alternative is to use videos that have no sound, these videos can then play in the background and be looped and not annoy or bother your visitors.
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