Global Number of Websites Approaches Milestone
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Following new international legislation and the creation of regulatory bodies for monitoring the trade in domain names, 2010 has seen an unprecedented number of applications for domain name registration. While the first decade and a half of internet usage saw the creation of some 100 million websites, this number has more than doubled in the past four years alone, according to a report from the UK website statistics company Webuser.
Company statistics suggest that 193 million domains were registered, with registration being a yearly process akin to magazine subscription, in the first three months of this year alone. Unsurprisingly .com and .cn, for what are typically regarded as American and Chinese web domains respectively, were the most popular, reflecting the exponential growth in internet culture which both countries have experienced in recent years.
While growth in internet usage and number of websites is undisputed, there has been some controversy over when the 200 million site milestone was reached, mainly due to monitoring difficulties and disparate statistical methodologies. In contrast to the statistics offered by Webuser, a company with an independent monitoring system, Pingdom, contests that the 200 million mark was hit within the first 30 days of this year.
The calculation process is complicated somewhat by the fact that new websites are constantly being created, disrupting the indexing process and skewing any proffered statistics. While the debate carries on regarding the worldwide number of sites, UK domain hosting companies and international organizations such as the World Bank have noted that there is national milestone on the horizon. The United Kingdom ranks highly among nations worldwide in terms of internet usage per capita, with the number of Britons who regularly use the internet approaching 50 million, or nearly 75 percent of the total population.
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