GVO Conference Review - User Review, Rating, and Testimonial from a Global Virtual Opportunities Conference Independent Representative
GVO Conference Review - User Review, Rating, and Testimonial from a Global Virtual Opportunities Conference Independent Representative
This GVO Conference Review was submitted by Don Hill on Business Opportunity Reviews.
Most MLMs and Network Marketing programs are focused primarily (and almost exclusively) on their money-making aspect, with very little said about the actual product or service being sold (which is what actually generates the money that everyone makes).
One reason so many people struggle (and fail) in MLM/NM is that they have difficulty convincing their prospects of the value of the product/service their business offers.
But the value of GVO Conference (GVOC) is clear from the very beginning to anyone having a need or desire to communicate online effectively whether it's with one person or hundreds of people, whether they're across town or across several oceans, with the ability to hold an unrestricted number of conference sessions
All for less than ten dollars per month!
In fact it's possible to set up a complete professional-grade conference platform that's branded with your business name (helping you to build your business brand instead of the conference company) for an annual fee that's actually lower than the "per-session fee" charged by GVOC's competitors! This gives prospects a sense of professionalism about you and your company that has value far exceeding the tiny monthly fee of only $8.97.
There's no such thing as a product or service that "sells itself" but there are some products and services that are positioned so well in the market that anyone in need of them will buy them with very little (or no) objection to overcome. GVOC definitely falls into this category!
Just think what it feels like to be able to tell your prospects (as Joel Therien once pointed out in his blog) that "90% of the people involved in this business aren't making any money at all directly from it but they're perectly happy with that because they're convinced of the quality and value of the service they receive from GVOC."
Those people in the 90% aren't really "failing" they're getting exactly what they want, and they're also quietly turning into the "hottest prospects" that any mlm leader could ever wish for because they know the real value being delivered by GVOC at a price that's a tiny fraction of the competition!
Add to that the fact that GVOC can be used by almost any business or organization that wishes to communicate effectively with people they need to communicate with, and you have a recipe for success practically built into the GVOC opportunity.
I don't know about you, but to me, becoming a member of GVOC is the closest thing to a "no-brainer" there is in the online business niche!
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GVO Conference Review - User Review, Rating, and Testimonial from a Global Virtual Opportunities Conference Independent Representative Tel Aviv