Global Marine Energy Market Analysis To 2020 - Capacity, Generation, Regulation And Market Share

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to 2020 - Capacity, Generation, Regulation and Market Share Analysis Market Research Report in its Store.
Browse complete Report at GlobalDatas Global Marine Energy Market Analysis to 2020 Capacity, Generation, Regulation and Market Share Analysis report gives an in-depth analysis of the Global, the US and the UK marine energy markets. It provides a deep understanding of key drivers impacting the market and key restraints in the market. It gives installed capacity (MW) and generation (GWh) forecasts to 2020 for the global, the US and the UK regions. It provides analysis of key players in the market and market shares based on installed capacity is also provided.
The global marine energy installed capacity in 2009 is 270 MW and is expected to reach 46,206 MW by 2020. The US and the UK are the major geographic regions for marine technologies. The US marine energy installed capacity in 2009 is 1 MW and is forecasted to become 33,634 MW by 2020. The installed capacity in UK is 3 MW in 2009 is forecasted to reach 1910 MW by 2020. The government of Scotland has been pioneering the development of ocean energy sector by introducing various programs. The other countries which are harnessing their marine energy potential are Australia, Canada, Russia and Republic of Korea. These countries have many potential sites which are favorable for ocean power.
The report provides detailed market opportunities and challenges for present and potential marine power market players in the world.
The report covers detailed qualitative analysis of the market scenario and analysis of key regions, such as Americas, Europe, and Asia, and key countries in these regions.
The report provides historical and forecast statistics along with growth estimates for production from marine sources from 2001 to 2020.
The report covers information on key current and upcoming Plants
The report provides information on the major companies in the global marine power market.
Coverage of two important ocean technologies namely, wave and tidal technologies. It has a geographical focus on the US and the UK markets.
The report gives historical and forecast installed capacities (MW) and generation (GWh).
The report has a detailed analysis of the key countries in the market. It covers the installed capacity, generation, major wave and tidal plants, regulations and market share based on installed capacities.
The report also contains the key market trends, drivers and restraints for the market and upcoming technologies in the marine energy industry.
The report covers information on key players of the market.
Reasons to buy
The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow the user to:
Identify key growth and investment opportunities in global marine power market
Identify key partners and business development avenues
Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industrys growth potential by developing strategies based on the latest operational and regulatory events
Identify key strengths and weaknesses of important marine power markets
Facilitate decision-making based on strong historic and forecast data
1 Table of contents 3
1.1 List of Tables 5
1.2 List of Figures 6
2 Introduction to Renewable Energy 7
2.1 Increasing Demand for Energy 7
2.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 7
2.3 Kyoto Protocol 8
3 Global Renewable Energy Market 9
3.1 Introduction 9
3.2 Global Renewable Energy Installed Capacity Forecasts, MW, 2000 to 2020 9
3.3 Global Renewable Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 2020 11
4 Global Marine Energy Market, Technology Analysis 13
4.1 Introduction 13
4.1.1 Tides and Tidal Barrage: 13
4.1.2 Waves: 13
4.1.3 Marine Current: 13
4.1.4 Salinity Gradient: 14
4.1.5 Thermal Gradient: 14
4.2 Definitions 14
4.3 Wave Technology 14
4.4 Tidal Technologies 17
4.5 Technology Trends 18
4.5.1 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: 18
4.5.2 Salinity Gradient: 18
4.6 Key Drivers 18
4.7 Key Challenges 19
5 Global Marine Energy Market, Market Analysis 21
5.1 Introduction 21
5.2 Global Marine Energy Installed Capacity Forecasts, MW, 2000 2020 21
5.3 Global Marine Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 2020 24
5.4 Global Wave Energy Installed Capacity Forecast, MW, 2000 2020 26
5.5 Global Tidal Energy Installed Capacity Forecast, MW, 2000 2020 28
5.6 Global Wave Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 2020 30
5.7 Global Tidal Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 2020 32
5.8 Global Marine Energy Installed Capacity Technology and Geographic Split, 2009 34
5.9 Global Wave Energy Installed Capacity Geographic Split, 2009 36
5.10 Global Tidal Energy Installed Capacity Geographic Split, 2009 37
5.11 Supply Chain 38
6 Key Country Analysis 40
6.1 United States: 40
6.1.1 Market Overview: 40
6.1.2 US Wave Energy Installed Capacity Forecasts, MW, 2000 - 2020 42
6.1.3 US Tidal Energy Installed Capacity Forecasts, MW, 2000 - 2020 44
6.1.4 US Wave Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 - 2020 46
6.1.5 US Tidal Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 - 2020 48
6.1.6 Cost Analysis 50
6.1.7 Major Regulations and Policies 51
6.1.8 Key States 51
6.2 United Kingdom 52
6.2.1 Market Overview: 52
6.2.2 UK Wave Energy Installed Capacity Forecasts, MW, 2000 - 2020 53
6.2.3 UK Tidal Energy Installed Capacity Forecasts, MW, 2000 2020 55
6.2.4 UK Wave Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 2020 57
6.2.5 UK Tidal Energy Generation Forecasts, GWh, 2000 2020 59
6.2.6 UK Marine Energy Manufacturers Share Analysis by Installed Capacity, 2009: 61
6.2.7 Cost Analysis: 62
6.2.8 Major Regulations and Initiatives: 67
7 Emerging Countries: 68
7.1 Australia: 68
7.1.1 Introduction: 68
7.1.2 Potential: 68
7.1.3 Initiatives and Regulations: 68
7.1.4 Plants: 69
7.1.5 Competitive Landscape: 69
7.1.6 Current Issues: 69
7.2 Republic of Korea (South Korea) 70
7.2.1 Introduction: 70
7.2.2 Potential: 70
7.2.3 Initiatives and Regulations: 70
7.2.4 Plants: 70
7.2.5 Competitive Landscape: 71
7.3 Initiatives at other countries: 71
7.3.1 Portugal: 71
7.3.2 Canada: 71
7.3.3 Spain: 72
7.3.4 Denmark: 72
7.3.5 Japan: 72
7.3.6 Belgium: 73
7.3.7 Germany: 73
7.3.8 South Africa 73
8 Applications: 74
8.1 Present Applications: 74
8.1.1 Desalination: 74
8.2 Future Applications: 74
8.2.1 Air conditioning: 74
8.2.2 Chilled-soil agriculture: 74
8.2.3 Aquaculture: 74
8.2.4 Mineral Extraction: 74
8.2.5 Others: 74
9 Competitive Landscape: 75
9.1 Ocean Power Technologies: 76
9.2 Pelamis Wave Power: 76
9.3 Marine Current Turbines: 76
9.4 Oceanlinx Limited: 76
10 Appendix 77
10.1 About Alternative Energy eTrack 77
10.2 Abbreviations 77
10.3 Methodology 78
10.3.1 Coverage 79
10.3.2 Secondary Research 80
10.3.3 Primary Research 80
10.3.4 Expert Panel Validation 80
10.4 Contact Us 80
10.4.1 Disclaimer 81
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Global Carbon Emissions (Million Metric Tonnes), 2001 2035 8
Table 2: Global Renewable Energy Industry, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 2020 10
Table 3: : Global Renewable Energy Industry, Generation (GWh), 2000 2020 12
Table 4: Comparison of Ocean Energy with Solar, Wind, Biomass, Natural Gas and Coal Energy Sources 13
Table 5: Important Wave Energy Companies and their Technologies 16
Table 6: Important Tidal Energy Companies and their Technologies 17
Table 7: Global Marine Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 23
Table 8: Global Marine Energy, Generation (GWH), 2000 - 2020 25
Table 9: Global Wave Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 27
Table 10: Global Tidal Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 29
Table 11: Global Wave Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 31
Table 12: Global Tidal Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 33
Table 13: Global Marine Energy, Installed Capacity Technology Split (%), 2009 34
Table 14: Global Marine Energy, Installed Capacity Geographic Split (%), 2009 35
Table 15: Global Wave Energy, Installed Capacity Geographic Split (%), 2009 36
Table 16: Global Tidal Energy, Installed Capacity Geographic Split (%), 2009 37
Table 17: US Wave Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 43
Table 18: US Tidal Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 45
Table 19: US Wave Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 2020 47
Table 20: US Tidal Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 2020 49
Table 21: UK Wave Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 2020 54
Table 22: UK Tidal Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 2020 56
Table 23: UK Wave Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 2020 58
Table 24: UK Tidal Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 2020 60
Table 25: UK Wave Energy, Manufacturers Share by Installed Capacity (%), 2009 61
Table 26: UK Tidal Energy, Manufacturers Share by Installed Capacity (%), 2009 62
Table 27: Wave Farm Capital Cost Split (%) 65
Table 28: Tidal Stream Farm Capital Cost Split (%) 66
Table 29: Company Benchmarking 75
Table 30: Abbreviations 77
1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Global Carbon Emissions (Million Metric Tons), 2001-2035 7
Figure 2: Global Renewable Energy Industry, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 9
Figure 3: Global Renewable Energy Industry, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 11
Figure 4: Global Wave Energy Potential Sites and Wave Energy Levels (kW/m) 14
Figure 5: Global Marine Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 22
Figure 6: Global Marine Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 24
Figure 7: Global Wave Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 26
Figure 8: Global Tidal Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 28
Figure 9: Global Wave Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 30
Figure 10: Global Tidal Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 32
Figure 11: Global Marine Energy, Installed Capacity Technology Split (%), 2009 34
Figure 12: Global Marine Energy, Installed Capacity Geographic Split (%), 2009 35
Figure 13: Global Wave Energy, Installed Capacity Geographic Split (%), 2009 36
Figure 14: Global Tidal Energy, Installed Capacity Geographic Split (%), 2009 37
Figure 15: Global Marine Energy, Supply Chain Requirements 38
Figure 16: US and Canada Wave Energy Potential (TWh/yr) 40
Figure 17: US and Canada Tidal Energy Potential (TWh/yr) 41
Figure 18: US Wave Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 42
Figure 19: US Tidal Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 44
Figure 20: US Wave Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 46
Figure 21: US Tidal Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 48
Figure 22: US Wave Energy Generation Costs (Cents/kWh) 50
Figure 23: US Tidal Energy Generation Costs (Cents/kWh) 50
Figure 24: UK Wave Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 53
Figure 25: UK Tidal Energy, Cumulative Installed Capacity (MW), 2000 - 2020 55
Figure 26: UK Wave Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 2020 57
Figure 27: UK Tidal Energy, Generation (GWh), 2000 - 2020 59
Figure 28: UK Wave Energy, Manufacturers Share by Installed Capacity (%), 2009 61
Figure 29: UK Tidal Energy, Manufacturers Share by Installed Capacity (%), 2009 62
Figure 30: UK Wave Energy Converters Installation Costs Range from Prototype Stage to Initial Installments ($/kW) 63
Figure 31: UK Tidal Stream Energy Generators Installation Costs Range from Prototype Stage to Initial Installments ($/kW) 63
Figure 32: UK Wave and Tidal Technologies Generation Costs ($/kWh) 64
Figure 33: Wave Farm Capital Cost Split (%) 65
Figure 34: Tidal Stream Farm Capital Cost Split (%) 66
Figure 35: GlobalData Methodology 79
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Global Marine Energy Market Analysis To 2020 - Capacity, Generation, Regulation And Market Share