Global Internet Protocol Address Management (ipam) Market 2008-2012

Share: Global Internet Protocol Address Management (IPAM) Market 2008-2012
Internet Protocol Address Management (IPAM) is employed to accurately model IP address, subnet assignments, domains and networks; with the purpose of tracking, planning and managing IP address space. It also helps in building DNS (Domain Name System) and DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) configurations on a network. DHCP and DNS network services provide automated IP address assignment and host name lookup services. ( )
Globally, the transition from circuit switched networks to packet switched networks (IP-based networks) is taking place at a fast rate. An increasing number of applications that transfer data, voice and video are utilizing IP-based networks. This transition is resulting in increasing dependence by companies for business operations on IP-based networks, which carry the risk of reliability, security and downtime. The companies are adopting IP-based network management solutions to reduce these risks. Also, the introductions of IPV6 networks, which use 128-bit address system, bring more complexity to the IP management table. This is because of the larger address pools, different sub-netting techniques, and lengthy addresses. Managing IPV6 networks with traditional ways of manual or spreadsheet methods becomes cumbersome for the companies. Therefore, the companies are implementing IPAM solutions to overcome these problems.
Further, the number of devices that are based on IP address is increasing significantly. The companies require IP address for web services, wireless communication devices, mobile computers, virtual machines, point of sale devices, IP telephony, etc. To efficiently manage this wider application of IP space, the companies are utilizing dynamic IP address management solutions. The report forecasts the size of the Global Internet Protocol Address Management (IPAM) market. It segments the Global Internet Protocol Address Management (IPAM) market into various geographic regions (representing the market size for each of these regions). Further, it discusses the key market trends, drivers and challenges and profiles some of the key vendors of this market.
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