Global Location Based Services (lbs) Market In Logistics Industry

Share: Global Location Based Services (LBS) Market in Logistics Industry 2008-2012
Location Based Service (LBS) provides location specific services to users through GPS or wireless network. It provides services such as navigation and mapping of points of interests, weather information, location-based advertising, social networking, tracking field force, etc. These applications leverage the user's physical location to provide the desired information to the user. ( )
Location Based Services in the logistics industry is going through a transformation phase. Cost savings, increase in revenue and productivity, and improved customer relationship are driving the growth of LBS in this industry. With the technological improvements and declining prices, logistics players are aggressively adopting LBS. Integration of LBS into corporate enterprises is helping the corporate take effective strategic decisions.
Although the LBS market in the logistics industry is growing at a rapid rate, certain factors like evolving business model, lack of standards, and in-conducive value chain are challenges that need to be resolved for the industry to mature and remain in a high growth trajectory.
The report forecasts the size of the global LBS market in the logistics industry over the period 2008-2012. It segments the market into three geographic regions: Americas, APAC and EMEA; representing the market size and forecast for each of these regions. Further, it discusses the key market trends, drivers and challenges of the Global Location Based Service in the logistics industry, and profiles some of the key vendors of this industry.
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