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The Cult Of Globaloney Warming Fascistic In The True Sense.

The pathetic nature of cults is that they prey on the innocent

, the blind, the true-believing, the morally naive, and the just plain stupid. Globaloney Warming acolytes are all of these irrational pagans trying to feel important, accruing money and power, or engaged in some affirmation of their relevance by 'caring' about Mother Earth. They are organizations not only with immoral claims of 'total knowledge' but with absurd notions that only they know the truth; the reality; and the future direction of mankind. Hegel and Marxian dialecticism combined with pagan theology. Very, very scary.

Cults are never of course, neutral creations. They can't be. By definition they are formed in opposition to a 'them'. Typically the 'other' is a system, or a class, or a group, or a set of ideas which have power, relevancy and which appear to be 'arbitrary' or 'unfair'. For the Nazis it was the Jews who were simply too predominant in German society. For the Russian Fascists it was capital, money and private property a system owned and operated by Anglo Saxons and Jews. For the Arabs and Muslims it is the system of Jewish-Christian civilization which negates the belief that the moon cult of Mecca is the final expression of 'Gods' will. For the Globaloney Warming Fascists it is the modern world of choice, individuality, some form of democracy and the formation of rent-seeking capital which must be expunged. All of the cults hate the person, the human, the free and extol the communal, the subservient and the exaltation ultimately of death.

Cults quickly morph into intolerant, highly violent Fascisms in the true sense of that word, oriented around a theology of make-believe, inarticulate and evil. Cults quickly mutate into universal designs as one can easily see in the Fascistologies of Islam, the Soviet Worker movement, or German Nazism. All pagan cults desire the complete destruction of the modern world and the imposition of the cult's surreal program of pagan idiocy.

So it goes with the Globaloney Warming cult. The UN, abetted by academic hacks, politicians, the media, and self-interested large corporations has engaged in the largest pagan fraud in history. Over a $150 billion has been wasted on the cult and its member groups all around the peculiarly mad idea that a natural chemical which is less than 1% of the total mass of gaseous emissions throughout the complex convection process of the Earth's climate system, is somehow forcing a 'warming'. Real evidence suggests a cooling trend mostly due to a reduction in sunspot activity and most likely from an assortment of interacting variables which the human will never understand.

It is certainly not about science is it ? The CRU the main research venue for the Globaloney cult of warming has recently shut down its website and has withdrawn all of its information. The frauds such as the Briffa curve, Mann's hockey stick fable, and other supposed climatic proof that dear little Mother Earth was going to explode in a heat wave are no longer available for the peasant mass to view. How transparent. The cult likely things that the hoi-polloi are too ignorant and uneducated to understand the details of climate. The dirty mass too stupefied to think and be critical. Just follow us, the cult says, and believe what we say or else we will crush you.

Globaloney Warming is a cult of intolerant Fascistic ideals. Witness the following:

Lies and propaganda claiming to be science.

Never revealing their 'science' or having it opened up to investigation.

Demanding that the end of the world will occur unless the cult is obeyed.

Trying to institute at national and international levels some form of policing and audit system [such as carbon caps, emissions levels, and trading schemes], designed to control and regulate industry and even personal consumer choice.

Spending tax money to promote in schools and in the popular culture only the ideas emanating from the cult.

Brainwashing children that they know better than their parents about climate reality.

Using the media to make false claims on everything from melting ice caps, to drowning polar bears to rising oceans.

Attacking and threatening to physically eliminate 'deniers' who dare to criticize the cult.

Demands for unlimited political and taxation power all in the name of the cult of Gaia.

Usurping democracy by engaging in trans-national treaties which cannot be audited nor obstructed by national populations and local voters.

The Globaloney Warming cult even has its own Mohammed, Lenin or Hitler L Ron Gore, Phil Jones of the CRU, the Marxist Sierra Club, the UN Climate Chief de Boer, and various Hollywood addled idiots amongst others, all play parts in the role of Dear Leader. What is missing from the Globaloney Warming Fascism is something like Mein Kampf, or the Koran, though perhaps L Ron Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' and some sundry Eco-nonsense books have certainly vied for the title of Eco-Bible.

The closest thing to a Marxist-inspired scientific dialecticism was of course the CRU's 'scientific' analysis of a warming climate. ClimateGate makes it quite clear that the CRU and the UN along with L Ron Gore, were engaged in a 10 year or more fraud of the grandest possible scale. Literally trillions of dollars in new taxes and welfare distribution with control over the world's population was being touted as the only resolution to the manufactured crisis. ClimateGate blew up the only dialectical foundation for the cult and exposed it for the pagan Fascist fraud that it is.

In the age of rationality it is rather remarkable that a Fascist paganism, which is even more absurd in every measure than even Islam or Nazism could have come so close to dominating the world's political-economy. Green Fascism would be no more kinder, rational or enlightened than Russian Fascism, Mohammedanism or Hitlerism. It is a remarkable commentary that so many millions are so ready to be duped and raped by a cult. The self-loathing human will always be prey to man-created evil theologies.

by: C. Read
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The Cult Of Globaloney Warming Fascistic In The True Sense.