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Global Femtocell Market - Aarkstore Enterprise.

Global Femtocell Market - Aarkstore Enterprise.

Network operators started showing interest in femtocells in 2007

, following which the technology evolved from a test product to a mainstream market within a very short span of time. Developed economies such as Japan and Western European nations are expected to be the preferred market for femtocell vendors as these regions have very high rates of mobile and broadband penetration. Such markets are expected to provide immense opportunities in terms of revenues and market growth because femtocell equipment is easier to deploy at places where broadband facilities are already available.

The global femtocell market is projected to grow from $230 million in 2009 to $4.6 billion in 2014. The market is expected to have a high CAGR of 82.6% from 2009 to 2014 due to the large size of the mobile phone market. The U.S. is expected to have the largest femtocell market in 2010 and is also expected to have the highest CAGR of 84.5%.

The benefits femtocells offer to both network operators and end users form the most important factor driving market growth. The benefits for operators include significant cost saving for backhauling and reduced subscribers churn because of better network coverage. Subscriber enjoys the benefits of reduced call charges and better experience of mobile internet applications such as video download and live games on mobile internet.

Scope of the Report

This report aims to analyze global femtocell equipment market according to technologies and applications, providing the market estimates and forecasts for these segments in all major geography markets. The report categorizes the market as follows:

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From:Aarkstore Enterprise

Contact: Neel


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Global Femtocell Market - Aarkstore Enterprise.