Global Oil Shale Market - Aarkstore Enterprise.

Share: The growing demand for energy is expected to exhaust the worlds crude oil reserves in another 40 years
. The market price of crude oil reached $145 per barrel in the third quarter of 2008. Though the cost per barrel was around $60 in 2009, it is expected to rise in the next few years. These factors and fluctuating costs have created the need for other resources to meet the growing demand for fuel oil.
Global oil shale resources can supply more than 2.8 trillion barrels of nonrenewable energy. This is almost three times the capacity of crude oil reserves. Currently, the cost of retorting oil from oil shale is higher than the cost of crude oil production. Although this factor has kept many companies out of the market so far, cutting-edge research is now being undertaken across the globe to reduce the cost of production. One such study by Shell seeks to cut production costs to less than $25 per barrel. These developments within the oil shale industry can soon open up tremendous market opportunities for all the industry stakeholders. In addition to the extracted fuel oil, oil shale yields several other sub-products like lubricating oil which also possess huge market potential.
This report will be the first of its kind to study the oil shale market on the basis of each market segment. It provides vital market data and also strategically discusses market opportunities for the stakeholders in the oil shale market.
Scope and Format
The oil shale market or more specifically the Kerogen market is segmented according to the extracted products, applications, technologies, and geographies. Each section will provide market data, market drivers, trends and opportunities, and key players. In order to provide a comprehensive market insight, the reports market tables are also categorized on the basis of revenues generated by each product, application, technology, and geography. The report also highlights the strategic issues involved in tapping the oil shale market, which is expected to dominate the world market for nonrenewable energy.
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Contact: Neel
by: Aarkstore
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Global Oil Shale Market - Aarkstore Enterprise. New York City