Global Biodiesel Market - Aarkstore Enterprise.

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The limited availability of petrol and its surging prices have brought about the development of alternative fuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas. The major advantages of biodiesel are that it enhances engine life, and unlike petroleum, it does not pollute the environment.
The biodiesel market is slated for a huge growth in the next few years not only because of the growing environmental concerns, but also because of the surging prices for non-renewable sources of energy, especially petroleum. Governments across the globe are encouraging the use of biodiesel; and many countries have initiated blending of conventional diesel with a percentage of biodiesel.
This report analyzes the markets for the major feedstock currently used for biodiesel production, such as vegetable oils, waste oils, and animal fats; as well as potential feedstock such as algae, jatropha, and sunflower oil. The report includes an in-depth analysis of transesterification, the technology to convert oils to biodiesel, and a comparative analysis between conventional petrol diesel and biodiesel on parameters such as pricing, feedstock availability, and the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The report extensively analyzes the automotive, aerospace, railways, and heating applications of biodiesel. Each of the major and micro biodiesel markets include detailed analysis of the factors influencing the market, trends and forecasts, competitive landscape, and in-depth geographic analysis of the biodiesel markets in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Rest of the World.
The report identifies factors that drive or inhibit market growth in order to support the market trends and forecasts made herein for each sub-segment. More than 38 company profiles are provided for a deeper insight into the competitive landscape. The market tables are categorized as per geographies and feedstocks.
The intended audience of this report includes:
Biodiesel producers
Feedstock suppliers
Automotive manufacturers
Aerospace companies and organizations
Government authorities
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From:Aarkstore Enterprise
Contact: Neel
by: Aarkstore
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Global Biodiesel Market - Aarkstore Enterprise.