Getting Caravan Insurance Quotes Online

Share: Using a broker is undeniably one of the best ways to go about finding insurance for your caravan
. Of course, you could spend hours on end phoning a number of companies, or you could even go online and begin browsing the various insurance related websites.
Then again, why not leave all the leg work to someone else instead. Once your broker has obtained several quotes, they will forward them on to you so that you can compare them side by side in order to find one which best suits your own individual needs.
The cost of caravan insurance can vary tremendously from one provider to the next. The provisions within the different policies can also vary just as much, and this is why you need to make sure you compare quotes which are similar by nature. In other words, it would be pointless comparing the lowest level of cover to a policy which has all the various bells and whistles. For example, one policy may be based on market value only, while another includes 'new for old'. These two types of policy differ significantly from each other, so obviously you cannot expect to pay the same for both.
Likewise, certain caravan insurance policies don't include cover against storm damage, while other policies do. Obviously, those that include storm damage cover with cost more than those that don't. Much also depends on the size of your caravan, in that it only stands to reason that it will cost more to insure a large caravan and what it costs to insure a small caravan, especially if the large caravan has been fitted out with all the latest gadgets and appliances.

Share: The cost of caravan insurance will also often depend on where you intend parking your caravan, particularly if it's a static caravan. Ideally, if you have a static caravan which you wish to leave on a semi permanent location, you should choose a camp-site which boasts a decent level of security. If you have a regular touring caravan, then you need to make sure you're able to park it in a secure location during times when it's not being used. You can be rest assured that if you leave your caravan parked up on a deserted piece of ground for most of the year, you'll automatically end up paying significantly more for cover.
One of the most effective ways to have your rates reduced is to arrange for the excess amount to be raised. This is essentially the amount of money you'll be expected to pay up-front should you ever need to claim. Of course, even though this can help to reduce your rates, you shouldn't be tempted to have the excess set too high. In other words, never set it higher than what you can afford.
If you're well and truly serious about paying as little as possible for your caravan insurance, then you need to make sure you obtain several quotes from the various insurance companies. Contrary to what you may believe, even identical levels of cover can vary significantly in price depending on which insurance company you choose to go with. With that said, don't be tempted to focus entirely on price alone, because after all, it's rather pointless paying for insurance if you won't even be able to rely on it during times of need.
by: Tom Jones
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