A Guide To Uk Caravan Insurance Policies

Share: When you talk about insuring a caravan, many people automatically cringe at the very thought
, in that they believe it to be a long drawn out, complicated affair. The truth is however; finding decent insurance for your caravan need not be a problem at all, providing you have a general understanding regarding the basic fundamentals.
For example, caravan insurance is usually made up of the following:
1. Contents cover
2. Liability cover

Share: 3. Damage and loss
4. Continental cover
Over and above the four points which have been mentioned, you will also come across general exclusions, and what is known as the 'excess' amount.
Contents Cover:
While many caravan insurance policies do include contents cover, it's not always the case. In fact, if you want your personal effects and the contents of your caravan to be covered you may have to have it added as an optional extra. It's also worth bearing in mind that such cover is often rather limited, irrespective of how much you're paying for your insurance policy.
For this reason, it's recommended that you discuss such issues with your chosen provider before you go ahead and sign on the dotted line. For example, many policies won't pay you out for things such as cash, credit cards, jewellery, and even mobile phones. Some policies will also exclude the likes of audio and video equipment. Even if such things are covered in the policy, you will usually only be able to submit a claim if there is evidence to suggest forced entry. In other words, if you leave your caravan unlocked and unattended, and it then gets to broken into, your insurance company will have the right to refuse any claims.
Liability Cover and Damage and Loss Cover:
Liability cover is what comes to the rescue should a member of the public get injured because of your caravan. Not only does liability cover offer you protection against personal injury to a third party, but it also protects you against claims arising from damage to a third parties property. In most cases, this part of the insurance policy will also remain valid even if you lend your caravan out to family members or friends, providing they are not paying you for it. Generally speaking, the minimum liability cover you should opt for should be between one and two million pounds. Even though this may sound extravagant, you need to bear in mind that if someone does get injured, and they go ahead and file a lawsuit against you, you could find yourself faced with astronomical expenses.

Share: Continental Cover:
This type of cover is essentially designed for those who intend travelling outside of the UK. In other words, if you feel you'll be touring around Europe then this is something you need to consider. In fact, many caravan insurance policies automatically include continental cover, but of course if you're relatively sure that you won't ever require it, then you should be able to opt out. After all, why pay for something which you don't even need?
The most important thing to bear in mind when you're shopping for caravan insurance is that the competition is fierce nowadays, and for the average man on the street, that means lower prices. Even though you may have got an outstanding deal last year, it would still be in your own best interests to shop around for cover shortly before your existing policy expires. If you do shop around, you'll almost certainly be able to find a better deal than the one you currently have.
by: Tom Jones
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