Getting A Payday Advance

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Getting A Payday Advance
You are probably familiar with the feeling of going into the bank, tail between your legs, feeling a little bit embarrassed as you ask if it's at all possible to obtain a payday advance, only to be turned down by the rude and unsympathetic bank teller.
Everybody wants a payday advance to be hassle-free and easy to deal with. You don't want to have to write out your history life and entire financial history just to get a small loan to last you until your next paycheck. Not to mention the hassle of faxing off all of these important and confidential details to people all over the country - so why not simply go online, shop around for deals and apply for a payday advance online? You won't have to deal with the bank, you can get the cash you need in as little as an hour, and you won't be hassled or judged by anyone. Here are some of the requirements and details for obtaining a payday advance.

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A payday advance essentially loans you a sum of money and deposits it directly into your bank account - this is usually regardless of your credit rating, and the requirements to obtain a payday advance are usually not much at all! So what are the requirements?
In order to obtain a payday advance you need:
To be over 18, making you considered to be a legal adult.
To have been employed for 6 months or longer, and still working for legitimate company
To have a social security number
To be a legal resident of the country of which you are applying in
To have a valid residential and mailing address.
Usually a payday advance will provide you with as much as $1,500 to 1,000. If you need more than this in order to pay off the loan, you will need to speak directly with the loan agency that you worked with. Payday advances are named as such because you need to be able to pay off the payday loans by your payday. In some cases and with some loan agencies, you are able to set up a payday installment plan, which allows you to pay off your loan with small, regular payments that may make the paying off process much easier.
Even students have access to payday advances - again, as long as you are 18 you will likely be able to secure a loan. You do however, need to have a job that provides you with at least 1,000 a month - as long as these conditions and terms are met, you should be able to secure yourself a payday advance.
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