How To Open Paypal Account In Nigeria Without Hidden Your IP

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open paypal account in a simple and effective way without limitation problems
You can open your paypal account without hidden your ip address as a Nigeria in Nigeria. First of all How to open a paypal account? Go to, though a lot of people argue that before you will be able to use paypal in Nigeria you have to change your IP but that is not true, don't sign up for personal account go for premier account because it will give you a lot of benefits and most importantly don't use two IP address or else you will be penalized
immediately Don't use US, CANADA address to open paypal because you will be asked to provide bank's account but if you have US bank account you can use it. But you need virtual address to register for paypal After you sign up on paypal, an e-mail will be sent to your e-mail account. (Use gmail account is more secured to any other free e-mail account) The email sent to you is for you to confirm your paypal account registration.

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And after the confirmation, you will be asked for necessary secret questions. And when you are through, the next thing is checking account or credit card if you are a first timer. Another problem we Nigerians have about paypal is that we don't read the detail on some countries on paypal. Countries like Niger, Benin republic, Namibia are allowed to sign up but are not allowed to receive money. So it is useless to have account you can't receive money with. Paypal
verification: It simply means removing limitation from your online spending which is $500 and it gives you access to receive money from internet through your paypal account.h To verify your paypal account you need paypal "VERIFICATION CARD" it is a credit card that only meant for verification. You can't use it to buy anything online and when you add the details of the credit card to your paypal account, paypal will credit your account with $1.95.
You must know every necessary thing about opening paypal account and how to secure your account because once it is closed- sorry! It over except on some condition it can be opened back. For deeper details get my step-by-step A-Z about paypal account
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