Get Well Stay Well Be Well And Enjoy Your Pain-free Life

Share: Want to keep from getting sick? Want to stay healthy and function well into a vibrant older age
? Want to heal now?
Preventative medicine is often thought to mean vaccines, medicines and treatments. It's actually much more than that.
I love this quote about prevention:
"Prevention is the highest form of healing and surgery should always be considered the last resort." That's on the back cover of a comprehensive book about eye care called "The Eye Care Sourcebook" by Jay B. Lavine, M.D.
And nothing could be more true!
What does prevention mean? It means taking care of yourself. It means getting rid of "junk foods" in your house and body. (There is a reason they are called "junk" food, right? Oh, come on. You know in your heart that's true.) ;-)
Prevention is using ALL of your muscles instead of just a few. It's getting fresh air and sunshine. It's breathing in and out fully using ALL of your lung capacity instead of breathing shallowly. By making small changes and letting them grow, you can feel better in short order.
You used to play in the sunshine and run and jump and swing and have fun in the great outdoors. Did you jump in puddles, climb trees and play on monkey bars?
To heal yourself and prevent illness and dysfunction means paying attention to your body. It requires educating yourself and using your good sense to determine what is true and best for you. There is SO MUCH misinformation out there, even by people who mean well.
So what is good for you?
Let's play a game. Imagine you were living on a farm 100 years ago.
If you lived on this farm, how would you spend your days?
1. What would you eat?
2. Where would your food come from?
3. How would you get your food?
4. How would you prepare it?
5. Would you be indoors sitting at a desk all day?
6. How would you spend your day?
7. Would you work with your muscles all day, outside or inside?
8. Would your food come from a vending machine?
9. How much sleep would you get?
10. What time would you go to bed and get up?
11. Would you still use only about 1/10th of your muscles on a daily basis?
12. How about your toilet habits? Do modern foods and medicines constipate you? Would your old-fashioned all-natural diet do the same?
I'm trying to make you think.
No one cares as much about your body as you must.
1. Educate yourself. Become an expert on the causes of your aches and pains. Bodies are logical--pain happens for reasons. And bodies heal all the time. You just have to get rid of the reasons.
2. If something isn't creating health for you, why should you continue with it? Habits don't support you CAN be changed. Some people say that you are going to die anyway so why bother? I say the reason is so that you can live until you are ready to die instead of dying while you are still alive.
3. Do things to take care of yourself. Stretch and walk. Start moving. Make yourself feel good. Help other people feel better. Feed your mind with wholesome thoughts and entertainment. Skip the news. Watching and reading the news depresses your immune system so be selective: just read the "feel good" news.
Your body will love you for making these changes in your life. And you will love your body. You will feel better, happier and healthier.
I believe in you. You CAN help yourself feel better!
by: Kathryn Merrow
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