Redundancy - How To Accept Redundancy And Move On In Life!

Share: Job loss is one of the most stressful events in life
, no matter how it comes about. The word redundant means "no longer needed" and this can have far-reaching emotional effects on workers.
If you have been made redundant, it is vital to recognise that you are going through a "death" experience and allow yourself time to grieve.
We undergo such experiences many times during our lives only we may not recognise them as such; when we lose a beloved pet, when we experience any relationship breakdown or simply when we lose anything that we were attached to.
It may take time to adjust to changing circumstances. Everyone takes their own time to adjust. Honour your own path.
If you were so identified with your job, you will now face a vacuum with a spectrum of possible emotions including feeling empty or angry. You may not know what to do, where you belong or even who you are.
If there have been other unresolved family or personal issues over time which were masked by work, they may very well come up now to be dealt with.
Here are some positive ways forward.
1. It is just a temporary phase and life is full of phases that you have successfully navigated before so you can do so again.
2. Give yourself some time to get used to the situation. Resist the temptation to rush into another job quickly because mistakes can be made. Take time to think about what you really want to do now. Open your mind to new possibilities.
3. Just because your job has gone does not mean you will not be able to find another one. Remember the saying "one door closes and another one opens", have faith that something positive will come out of this situation.
4. You have very important skills and a wealth of experience that you can transfer across to other jobs. Get help to see what other opportunities are available to you.
5. Look after your physical health by taking a short walk each day, listening to relaxing music and making sure you are eating nutritious food and taking vitamin supplements if you feel run down.
6. Seek solutions from a counsellor or therapist if you feel overwhelmed. Hard as that might be for men to do as they may see it as "weak" to seek help, taking action means that you can get back on your feet quicker, find new ways to raise your self-esteem, better your health and become stronger through this experience.
One way of seeing this is that there is a problem that needs a solution - see it as a problem-solving mission.
7.You may feel like being on your own to try and solve the problem. Your partner and children care for you so please remember them. If you just remove yourself from them they may feel distant from you and powerless to do anything to help you. Reach out to them and they will get you through this time.
Being made redundant does not have to become a negative event. It can be an opportunity to make a new, even more fulfilling start in life.
by: Maria Parkinson
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