Get Listings, Sales And Traffic Through Article Submission

Share: If you have a website, you are no doubt always wondering
, "How can I receive more traffic to my website?" As web owners, we always want more traffic, specifically if we are doing business online. It is just the nature of things because without traffic a website cannot survive. Whether we need more subscribers, more buyers or just more visitors to read our content and probably click on our AdSense ads, it is what we crave, more traffic.
Well, how can you receive more traffic to your website? There are various techniques available, a few cost cash, a few are free, and a few take a second to do and a few can take a long standing. What I am doing to discuss about is writing and distributing articles, submitting articles to article directories to be specific. Because it is, 100% free and does not have to take tons of time.
No matter what market you are in you have to be able to find a subject to write about to your potential subscribers, buyers or visitors would be interested in and if your article is being read through, you will most possible get traffic. Additionally, you could also get some cool backlinks to your website, which is actually good for search engine rankings. I will clarify the factor behind that later on.
Now, you might not consider yourself a writer but writing an article does not have to be hard. It does not even have to be long, 300-400 words per article can be enough if you get your point across although 600-900 words is more popular, but 1200 is generally the maximum.
If you know your market and you are passionate about what you are doing, then writing an article should not be a problem. If you require ideas, go to forums and blogs in your niche or just see if there is whatever in the news you could begin writing. Additionally, one trick is to do it as if you are writing a letter to a good friend where you are telling him about something special.
Another solution, if you have no interest in writing an article or just do not have the time, you can let somebody else do it. You could go to freelance sites like, or and pay somebody to write an article for you. However, you should have a few ideas what it should be.
Let us assume that you have your article. Next thing you need to do is find article directories that accept articles on your topic and submit to as many as you can find. To find article directories you can go to your favorite search engine and type in "article directory" or "submit article". That should give you some general directories.
However, if you are looking to find an article directory that is special to your market you should search for "X article directory" or "submit X article", where X is the market you are in, like "gardening" or "health".
When you are on the site look for "Submit an article" or "Add article", make sure you read all the submission guidelines, a few sites facilitate HTML codes and some do not, a few places facilitate affiliate links and some do not, etc. Generally, the article directory is organizing into lots of categories and even subcategories. Try to pick the classification that best fits your article, it will help with reaching your article allowed as fast as possible as well as giving you more targeted readers.
If you are not experienced in article marketing, you might not understand the benefit of publishing your articles. First, you will get your name displayed throughout the internet, people will begin to identify it and trust you.
However, the main factor why so many people need to get their article submitted to as many of those directories as possible is the "resource box" or "about the author" that is displayed at the closing of the article.
That resource box can contain the name of your business, your mailing address, web address to your main page or an opt-in page, etc, email address, and phone number or though you need people to contact you or get more information about you and your business. For a few people the link to their website is the most vital part of their resource box.
Most article directories facilitate "active links" in the resource box that people can click. You directly want to submit to as many of those directories as you can because for each one you will get another link back to your website and that will help you rank higher in the search engines.
Another benefit of this is that if you have written a good article that people like they will be more possible to click on the link in your resource box, hint, and hint. They might also feel like they have gotten to know you slightly and trust you, which mean they are more possible to do business with you.
More website owners and newsletter editors will give you more exposure and traffic will possibly pick up a well-written article as well. However, you do not have to write a masterpiece for the first time, just get on it and you will get better with each article you write.
In order to receive more traffic, sales and subscribers you should get yourself an article about a subject relevant to your market, either write it yourself or have it written for you by a ghostwriter, find article directories that accept your topic and submit to as lots of them that you can find.
by: Calvin Tan
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