Easy Affiliate Marketing - 5 Simple Steps !

Share: Did you ever see one of those "plans" or "programs" called something like "Affiliate
Marketing Riches" or "Make Millions On Squidoo" and read their sales pages?
Did you ever buy one? I have. Did you ever make any money after buying one of these? I have.
But mostly I didn't.
It's was because at first I was too new to do anything they told me to do.
The first one I bought into was called something like "Crazy Wealth Overnight - Free Websight!" They took my initial $47 bucks and then I received my first instruction.
They told me to go get Hosting at a certain place so that my FREE website was now $47 plus the $100 in hosting fees/domain name for a year.
That WAS a pretty good deal for hosting and a domain name for a year but I had NO IDEA what to do with it!
After a few days I asked for my money back!
I lost the domain name and the money for that AND the original company never gave me my $47 back and went out of business. That was my introduction to Internet Marketing.
I moved on, undisappointed, and eventually learned the "secrets" to affiliate marketing and guess what I discovered? There are no secrets! There is only that which you don't know yet!
So, after that story, I am going to give you a hyper-simplified plan for successful internet marketing that you can do AND it won't cost you over $50 bucks - EVER! If that.
Not only that, but you will likely see some money out of this soon, and, even if you don't, you can start all over, as many times as you need to, to get it right, and you WON"T HAVE to pay any more money.
How do I know? I did it! More than once.
So here is the plan.
One - Find a good product on Clickbank. Make a list of the top 3 sellers in each category - pick from that. Note, avoid the Internet Marketing categories at first. Almost ALL of your customers will know more about it than you do if you are just getting started.
Two - Get a FREE Squidoo site. They call them "lenses."
Three - Pick a FREE Domain Name.
Note: In the example below I placed a ";" where ":" should be in the URL so that I wouldn't be violating the rules of article marketing. These are just for examples and I just made them up! However, affiliate marketers minds run in tight circles and some of the example url's turned out to be real!
If you, in step one, picked a product like "Make Your Own Solar Panels For FREE" pick a domain name like http;//www.squidoo.com/make-your-own-solar-panels. If that is taken try http;//www.squidoo.com/makeyourownsolarpanels or http;//www.squidoo.com/make_your_own_solar_panels or http;//www.squidoo.com/make-your-own-solar-panelsHQ
Four - Now populate your site (lens) will all things "make your own solar panels" related info. Do your best. Simple works.
Sometimes the best tool is simple. Witness the hammer.
Put your affiliate links in the copy. When people click on the links a certain percentage will buy!
Five - Start driving traffic to your lens. No traffic equals no sales. If you'd like to learn all about some highly effective traffic methods for Squidoo read this article and visit it's links.
Affiliate marketing boils down to simple formula that any one can understand and that is this... Offer + Traffic = Sales!
The Squidoo site is where you put your offer. It's also where you put "content" to attract search engines and build credibility.
And traffic? Ah...the traffic. It's the "key." If you have a decent offer page, all you need is traffic.
But...not just ANY old traffic! What YOU are looking for is traffic that is interested in making their own solar panels. This traffic is often called "targeted traffic." Those are the ones you want. And you can get them!
For those traffic generation methods we need a little more space than this one article will allow. But for now, bear in mind, that I consider article marketing to be the best method of achieving two things.
That would be actual traffic to the site AND Google rankings for your keywords when used as resource box text links to your site. One way links at that!
Copyright (c) 2009 Riley West
by: Riley West
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